The Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 36 (2001)

"The Goldschmidt and Scholz Scrapbooks in The Metropolitan Museum of Art"

D'Orgeix, Émilie
38 pages
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Émilie D'Orgeix

S. Pietro in Montorio, Tempietto, section (recto) blank (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Composite capital, plan, elevation, and details; frieze, detail (recto) Forum of Nerva, entablature and attic, profiles; portico, perspective, and cornice, profile (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Forum of Nerva, colonnade, profiles of attic and entablature, architrave and column detail (recto) Arch of Constantine, plan (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Arch of Constantine, elev, partial plan (recto) Arch of Constantine, profiles of base, shaft and entablature (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
ca. 1540–60
[Arch of Constantine], cornice, elevation in profile, ornamental detailing (recto) blank (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Arch of Septimius Severus, entablature, elevation; attic, base, elevation (recto) Arch of Septimius Severus, archivolt, elevation; impost, elevation; entablature, elevation; column base, elevation; column, plan (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Portico Octavia, pediment and entablature, elevation; pediment, elevation (recto)  Temple of Antoninus and Faustina,  entablature, elevation (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Temple of Castor and Pollux, soffit panel, ceiling plan (recto) Unidentified, stucco or fresco, details (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Arch of Camigliano, cornice, elevation in profile, ornamental detailing (recto) Unidentified, Doric capital; Arch of Camigliano, cornice, profile, sketch (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Unidentified, Ionic capital, front and side elevations with small studies (recto) calculation notes (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Unidentified, Composite base, elevation; Temple of Concordia, Composite base, elevation; Unidentified, Composite base, elevation (recto) blank (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
ca. 1540–60
Pantheon, portico,  plan (recto) Pantheon, portico, details and perspective (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Pantheon, portico, Corinthian column capital, projection, plan, and details; column shaft, profile; beam architrave, elevation (recto) Pantheon, cella, perspective, details; vault, details; portal, interior, cornice, profile (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Pantheon, dome, section details; alcove, section and details (recto) Pantheon, rotonda, upper order, elevation and details (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Pantheon, section (recto) Pantheon, capital, elevation; capital, details, Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
S. Giovanni Laterno, Oratorio della Santa Croce, section (recto) blank (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
S. Giovanni Laterano, Centocelle, plan (recto) S. Giovanni Laterano, Centocelle, section (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Domus Aurea, Volta Gialla, grotteschi, details (recto) Unidentified building, thermal window, elevation (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
St. Peter's, view from the southeast; Unidentified, blank, papal escutcheons (recto) blank (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
St. Peter's, drum, plans at two levels (recto) blank (verso), Anonymous, French, 16th century  French, Dark brown ink, black chalk, and incised lines
Anonymous, French, 16th century
early to mid-16th century
Showing 20 of 42