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Japan: A History of Style

March 8, 2021–April 24, 2022
Previously on view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Galleries 223–232
Free with Museum admission
Fudō Myōō, the Immovable Wisdom King (Achala Vidyaraja), Kaikei  Japanese, Japanese cypress with lacquer, color, gold, cut gold leaf (kirikane), and inlaid crystal eyes, Japan
early 13th century
A Mirror of Gathered Seaweed (Mokagami), Various calligraphers, Album of 301 calligraphy fragments; mostly ink on paper, some on dyed or decorated paper, Japan
Various calligraphers
8th–17th century
Four-Legged Jar with Lid, Stoneware with natural ash glaze (Sue ware), Japan
8th century
Long-Necked Bottle, Stoneware with natural ash glaze and incised decoration (Sue ware), Japan
8th century
Jar, Stoneware with natural ash glaze (Sue ware), Japan
ca.9th century
“The Historical Buddha Preaching,” a section from The Illustrated Sutra of Past and Present Karma (Kako genzai inga kyō emaki), Unidentified artist Japanese, mid-8th century, Handscroll section mounted as a hanging scroll;  ink and color on paper, Japan
Unidentified artist
mid-8th century
The Illustrated Sutra of Past and Present Karma (Kako genzai inga kyō emaki), Unidentified artist Japanese, active late 13th century, Hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan
Unidentified artist
late 13th century
Three poems from the Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern (Kokin wakashū), known as the “Imaki Fragment” (Imaki-gire), Fujiwara no Norinaga  Japanese, Page from a booklet, mounted as hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Fujiwara no Norinaga
12th century
Three Poems from the Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern (Kokin wakashū), one of the Araki Fragments (Araki-gire), Fujiwara no Yukinari (Kōzei)  Japanese, Page from a booklet mounted as a hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Fujiwara no Yukinari (Kōzei)
11th century
Urn, Stoneware with natural ash glaze (Sue ware), Japan
8th century
Four-Legged jar, Stoneware with green glaze and relief decoration (Sanage ware), Japan
9th century
Page from the Collection of Poems by Lady Ise (Ise shū), Page from a booklet mounted as a hanging scroll; ink on decorated paper, Japan
early 12th century
Three poems from the Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern (Kokin wakashū)

, Fujiwara no Tameyori  Japanese, Page from a booklet mounted as a hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Fujiwara no Tameyori
13th century
Water Dropper in the Shape of a Chrysanthemum, Molded porcelain with cobalt blue under transparent glaze (Mikawachi ware), Japan
first half 19th century
Three Poems from the Later Collection of Japanese Poems (Gosen wakashū), Monk Saigyō  Japanese, Page from a booklet, mounted as hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Monk Saigyō
late 12th century
Brush Rest (Fude-oki) in the Shape of a Narcissus Spray and Blossoming Plum Branch, Molded porcelain with cobalt blue under transparent glaze (Mikawachi ware), Japan
first half 19th century
Two Poems from the Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern, Continued (Zoku Kokin wakashū)

, Nun Abutsu  Japanese, Page from a booklet, mounted as a hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Nun Abutsu
13th century
Paperweight (Bunchin) with Maple Branch and Bugaku Hat from “An Imperial Celebration of Autumn Foliage” (Momiji no ga), Chapter 7 of The Tale of Genji

, Molded porcelain with cobalt blue under transparent glaze (Mikawachi ware), Japan
second half 18th century
Portrait of En no Gyōja, Jakusai 寂済  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
Jakusai 寂済
late 14th–15th century
Four Poems from the Sekido Version of the Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern (Sekido-bon Kokin wakashū) 
, Fujiwara no Yukinari 藤原行成  Japanese, Two pages from a booklet mounted as hanging scroll; ink on dyed paper, Japan
Fujiwara no Yukinari 藤原行成
mid- to late 11th century
Page from the Sekido-bon Version of the “Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern” (Sekido-bon Kokinshū, Fujiwara no Yukinari 藤原行成  Japanese, Page from a bound booklet mounted as a hanging scroll; ink on dyed paper, Japan
Fujiwara no Yukinari 藤原行成
mid- to late 11th century
Poems from the “Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern,” known as the “Murasame Fragments" (Murasame-gire), Nijō Tameyo  Japanese, Page from a booklet mounted as a hanging scroll; ink on dyed paper, Japan
Nijō Tameyo
early 14th century
Mirror with Zaō Gongen
, Bronze with hairline engraving, Japan
11th–12th century
Zaō Gongen, Gilt bronze with incised decoration, Japan
11th century
Zaō Gongen, Wood, gilt bronze, colored beads, and crystal, Japan
14th century
The “Kōetsu Version” of Waka Poems of the Thirty-six Immortals of Poetry (Kōetsu-bon Waka Sanjūrokkasen) 和歌三十歌仙, Unidentified artist Japanese, Woodblock printed book; ink on paper, Japan
Multiple artists/makers
ca. 1610
The Poet Koōgimi, from the “Fujifusa Version” of Thirty-six Poetic Immortals (Fujifusa-bon Sanjūrokkasen emaki)l, Handscroll fragment mounted as a hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan
15th century
Ariwara Narihira, from the “Fujifusa Version” of Thirty-six Poetic Immortals (Fujifusa-bon Sanjūrokkasen emaki), Hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan
first half 15th century
Minamoto no Muneyuki, from the “Fujifusa Version” of Thirty-six Poetic Immortals (Fujifusa-bon Sanjūrokkasen emaki), Unidentified Artist, Hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan
Emperor Godaigo
early 15th century
The Poet Fujiwara Kiyotada, from the “Narikane Version” of Thirty-six Poetic Immortals, Unidentified artist Japanese, Section of a handscroll mounted as a hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan
Unidentified artist
13th century
The Poet Kiyohara Motosuke, from the “Tameshige Version” of Thirty-six Poetic Immortals (Tameshige-bon Jidai fudō utawase emaki), Unidentified artist Japanese, early 15th century, Section of a handscroll mounted as a hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan
Unidentified artist
15th century
The Poets Henjō and Jichin, from Stylus-Illustrated Competition of Poets of Different Periods (Mokuhitsu jidai fudō uta awase-e), Unidentified artist, Fragment of a handscroll, mounted as a hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Unidentified artist
mid-14th century
Golden Tablets, Shinoda Tōkō 篠田桃紅  Japanese, Ink and gofun (ground-shell pigment) on gilded paper, Japan
Shinoda Tōkō 篠田桃紅
Male and Female Shinto Deities, Japanese cypress with traces of color, Japan
10th century
Teika’s Ten Styles of Japanese Poetry, Unidentified Artist, Album of ten leaves; ink and color on paper, Japan
early 18th century
Shinto Deity as a Seated Courtier, Wood; single-block (ichiboku-zukuri) construction, with traces of red and black pigment, Japan
11th–12th century
Bugaku Mask (Sanju), Wood with remains of red and black pigments, Japan
12th century
The Four Deities of Mount Kōya, Hanging scroll; ink, color, and gold on silk, Japan
late 14th century
Illustrated Handscrolls of The Tale of Genji, Ryūjo (Tatsujo)  Japanese, Five handscrolls; ink and color on paper (illustrations); ink on paper (texts), Japan
Ryūjo (Tatsujo)
Dragon King, Unidentified Artist, Hanging scroll; ink, color, and gold on silk, Japan
16th–17th century
“Taira no Koremori’s Farewell,”  from The Tale of the Heike (Heike monogatari), Iwasa Matabei (Katsumochi)  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink, color, gold and silver on paper, Japan
Iwasa Matabei (Katsumochi)
ca. 1640
Chinese Couplet by Bai Juyi and Waka by Fujiwara no Toshiyuki (partial) from “Japanese and Chinese Poems to Sing” (Wakan rōeishū), Konoe Sakihisa 近衛前久  Japanese, Handscroll section mounted as hanging scroll; ink on dyed and decorated paper, Japan
Konoe Sakihisa 近衛前久
late 16th–early 17th century
Dainichi, the Cosmic Buddha (Mahavairocana), Wood with lacquer and gold leaf, Japan
12th century
One of the Four Heavenly Kings, Wood with traces of color, Japan
12th century
Jar in Meiping Shape with Incised Floral Design, Stoneware with brown iron glaze (Ko-Seto ware), Japan
14th century
One of the Four Heavenly Kings, Wood with traces of color, Japan
12th century
Fudō Myōō (Achala Vidyaraja), The Immovable Wisdom King, Mokujiki Shōnin  Japanese, Chisel-carved (natabori) wood, Japan
Mokujiki Shōnin
Altar Cabinet (Zushi) for Fudō Myōō, Unidentified artist, Wood, Japan
Unidentified artist
19th century
Amida, the Buddha of Limitless Light, Wood with lacquer, gold leaf, and color, Japan
ca. 1250
Jizō, Bodhisattva of the Earth Store (Kshitigarbha), Wood with lacquer, pigment, and cut gold, Japan
late 12th–mid-13th century
The Bodhisattva Kannon (Avalokiteshvara), Cypress wood; single-block construction (ichiboku-zukuri), Japan
mid-11th century
Jūichimen Kannon, the Bodhisattva of Compassion with Eleven Heads (Avalokiteshvara), Wood with lacquer, gold leaf, and metal decoration, Japan
mid- to late 14th century
Shaka (Shakyamuni), the Historical Buddha, with Two Attendant Bodhisattvas and Sixteen Benevolent Deities, Unidentified artist Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink, color, gold, and cut gold on silk, Japan
Unidentified artist
late 14th century
Shaka (Shakyamuni), the Historical Buddha, with Two Attendant Bodhisattvas and the Ten Great Disciples, Hanging scroll; ink, color, and gold on silk, Japan
early 14th century
Mandala of the Bodhisattva Monju (Manjushri) of the Eight Syllables, Hanging scroll; ink, color, gold, and gold leaf on silk, Japan
13th century
Memyō Bosatsu (Ashvaghosha Bodhisattva) Mounted on a Horse, Unidentified Artist, Hanging scroll; ink, color and gold on paper, Japan
15th–16th century
Iconographic Drawing of the Bodhisattva Memyō (Ashvaghosha), Hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan
12th century
The Bodhisattva Monju (Manjushri) with Five Topknots, Unidentified Artist, Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink, color, and gold on silk, Japan
14th century
The Bodhisattva Monju (Manjushri) with Eight Topknots, Gilt bronze, Japan
late 13th century
Shaka (Shakyamuni), the Historical Buddha, with Two Attendant Bodhisattvas and Sixteen Arhats, Hanging scroll; ink, color, and gold on silk, Japan
14th century
Ten Rakan Examining a Painting of White-Robed Kannon, Katō Nobukiyo  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan
Katō Nobukiyo
Portrait of Dengyō Daishi (Saichō), Unidentified Artist, Hanging scroll; ink, color, and gold on silk, Japan
early 18th century
Prince Shōtoku at Age Sixteen, Painted wood with inlaid crystal eyes, Japan
14th century
Six of the Twelve Divine Generals (Jūni shinshō), Wood with lacquer, color, gold, and inlaid crystal eyes, Japan
early 14th century
Fragment of Vol. 157 of Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom (Mahaprajnaparamita sutra; Daihannyaharamittakyō) 大般若波羅蜜多経巻第一百五十七, Unidentified artist Japanese, Woodblock printed book (orihon, accordion-style); ink on paper, Japan
Unidentified artist
1383, sixth month (Eitoku 3)
Illustrated Legends of the Origins of the Kumano Shrines

, Set of three handscrolls; ink and color on paper, Japan
late 16th–early 17th century
Ritual Ewer, Gilt bronze, Japan
13th century
Daishōjin Bosatsu, from “Album of Buddhist Deities from the Diamond World and Womb World Mandalas”, Takuma Tametō  Japanese, Fragment of an album, mounted as a hanging scroll; ink, color, and gold on paper, Japan
Takuma Tametō
12th century
Ōtsu-e of Shōmen Kongōyasha (Vajrayaksha), Hanging scroll; ink, color, and gold on paper, Japan
probably late 16th–early 17th century
Mandala of the Bodhisattva Hannya (Prajnaparamita), Hanging scroll; ink, color, gold, and gold foil on silk, Japan
14th century
Chōmeiji Temple Pilgrimage Mandala, Hanging scroll remounted as a two-panel folding screen; ink, color, gofun (ground shell pigment), and gold on paper, Japan
second quarter 16th century
“The Mountain is Empty;  A Pinecone Falls”, Zekkai Chūshin 絶海中津  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Zekkai Chūshin 絶海中津
late 14th century
"Abiding Nowhere, the Awakened Mind Arises”, Musō Soseki  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Musō Soseki
early 14th century
The Torii Gate of Gion Shrine, Sliding doors (fusama) remounted as a two-panel folding screen; ink, color, and gold on paper, Japan
early 17th century
Shaka (Shakyamuni), The Historical Buddha, Descending from the Mountains, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
15th century
Landscapes of the Four Seasons, Keison  Japanese, Pair of hanging scrolls; ink on paper, Japan
mid-16th century
Quail, Sparrows, and Millet, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
early 16th century
Musk Cat, Uto Gyoshi  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan
Uto Gyoshi
mid–late 16th century
Birds and Flowers, Kano Yukinobu 狩野之信  Japanese, Diptych of hanging scrolls; ink on paper, Japan
Kano Yukinobu 狩野之信
mid-16th century
White-robed Kannon, Hanging scroll; ink on silk, Japan
14th century
Gibbons in a Landscape, Sesson Shūkei 雪村周継  Japanese, Pair of six-panel screens; ink on paper, Japan
Sesson Shūkei 雪村周継
ca. 1570
Mynah Birds, Unidentified artist Japanese, Pair of six-panel folding screens; ink, color, and gold on paper, Japan
Unidentified artist
early 17th century
Tethered Hawks, Soga Chokuan  Japanese, Twelve paintings mounted as a pair of six-panel folding screens; ink and color on paper, Japan
Soga Chokuan
Ittō Jōteki (Shōteki)
before 1606
Landscape with Pavilion, Kenkō Shōkei 賢江祥啓  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan
Kenkō Shōkei 賢江祥啓
Tōgen Zuisen 桃源瑞仙
Flower Vessel, Gilt bronze, Japan
13th century
Hawk on a Pine, Kano Yukinobu 狩野之信  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Kano Yukinobu 狩野之信
mid-16th century
Flower-shaped Negoro Tray (Kōban) with Three Feet, Wood with coatings of red over black lacquer (Negoro ware), Japan
15th century
Brown-Eared Bulbul (Hiyodori) on a Branch of Plum, Kano Shōei  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan
Kano Shōei
mid- to late 16th century
Round Negoro Tray (Ashitsuki-ban) with Three Feet, Wood with coatings of red over black lacquer (Negoro ware), Japan
15th–16th century
Tea Bowl with “Hare’s-Fur” Glaze

, Stoneware with iron glaze (Jian ware), China
12th century
Portrait of a Warrior, Unidentified artist Japanese, late 16th century, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
Unidentified artist
late 16th century
Hawks, Soga Nichokuan  Japanese, Pair of hanging scrolls; ink on paper, Japan
Soga Nichokuan
mid-17th century
Mirror, and Mirror Box (Kagami-bako) with Feather Crest and Peony Scrolls, Lacquered wood with gold hiramaki-e on black lacquer ground; bronze mirror, Japan
Daoist Sage and Hawk, Soga Nichokuan  Japanese, Pair of fan-shaped paintings mounted on two-panel folding screen; ink on paper, Japan
Soga Nichokuan
mid-17th century
Portrait of Bodhidharma, Hakuin Ekaku 白隠慧鶴  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Hakuin Ekaku 白隠慧鶴
mid-18th century
Bamboo in Summer, Takahashi Sōhei  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Takahashi Sōhei
Chinese Poems and Calligraphy, Mitsui Shinna 三井親和  Japanese, Six-panel folding screen; ink on paper, Japan
Mitsui Shinna 三井親和
The Four Accomplishments, Kano Motonobu 狩野元信  Japanese, Pair of six-panel folding screens; ink and color on paper, Japan
Kano Motonobu 狩野元信
mid-16th century
Children Playing in Summer and Winter, Maruyama Ōshin  Japanese, Pair of six-panel folding screens; ink, color, and gold on paper, Japan
Maruyama Ōshin
early 19th century
Eight Daoist Immortals Welcoming Jurōjin, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
17th century
Eight Daoist Immortals Welcoming Jurōjin, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
17th century
Moonlit Landscape, Nagasawa Rosetsu 長澤蘆雪  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink on silk, Japan
Nagasawa Rosetsu 長澤蘆雪
The Daoist Immortal Liezi Flying on a Cloud, Kano Yukinobu 狩野之信  Japanese, Fan-shaped painting mounted as a hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Kano Yukinobu 狩野之信
16th century
Three Laughers of Tiger Ravine, Sekishō Shōan 石樵昌安  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink, color, and gold on silk, Japan
Sekishō Shōan 石樵昌安
mid-16th century
Tenjin Traveling to China, Nagasawa Rosetsu 長澤蘆雪  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan
Nagasawa Rosetsu 長澤蘆雪
Chinese Sages, Kano Sanraku  Japanese, Pair of six-panel folding screens; ink on paper, Japan
Kano Sanraku
late 16th–early 17th century
Screens within Screens, Pair of six-panel folding screens; ink, color, and gold on gilt paper, Japan
late 17th–early 18th century
Eight Daoist Immortals, Cranes, and Gibbons, Kano Tanshin (Morimasa)  Japanese, Triptych of hanging scrolls; ink and color on silk, Japan
Kano Tanshin (Morimasa)
late 17th–early 18th century
Puppies in the Snow, Nagasawa Rosetsu 長澤蘆雪  Japanese, Set of four sliding panels mounted as a pair of two-panel screens; ink and color on paper, Japan
Nagasawa Rosetsu 長澤蘆雪
Flowers of Spring and Autumn, Ogata Kōrin  Japanese, Pair of panels; ink and color on cryptomeria wood, Japan
Ogata Kōrin
shortly after 1701
Boat under the Moon, Nagasawa Roshū 長澤蘆洲  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
Nagasawa Roshū 長澤蘆洲
early 19th century
Katō Tōshōsai
ca. 1920–30s
Jurōjin, Gan Ku (Kishi Ganku)  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
Gan Ku (Kishi Ganku)
Poem by Fujiwara no Okikaze with Underpainting of Clematis
, Shōkadō Shōjō 松花堂昭乗  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink, gold, and silver on colored paper, Japan
Shōkadō Shōjō 松花堂昭乗
Tawaraya Sōtatsu 俵屋宗達
early 17th century
Square Dish with Spring Flowers, Ogata Kenzan  Japanese, Stoneware with polychrome underglaze enamels, Japan
Ogata Kenzan
18th century
Portrait of Botanka Shōhaku, Maruyama Ōkyo 円山応挙  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Maruyama Ōkyo 円山応挙
second half 18th century
Picture Album by Old Man Maruyama (En'ō gafu)  円翁画譜, Maruyama Ōkyo 円山応挙  Japanese, Set of two woodblock printed books; ink and color on paper, Japan
Maruyama Ōkyo 円山応挙
1837, third month (Tenpō 8)
Flowering Plants and Vegetables of the Four Seasons, Pair of six-panel folding screens; ink, light color, and gold leaf on paper, Japan
early 18th century
The Poet Li Bo's Visit to Mount Emei, Shiokawa Bunrin  Japanese, Pair of six-panel folding screens; ink and gold on paper, Japan
Shiokawa Bunrin
Hexagonal Jar (Rokkaku-tsubo) with Paulownia and Geometric Design, Stoneware with polychrome overglaze enamels and gold (Ko-Kiyomizu ware), Japan
18th century
Freshwater Jar (Mizusashi), Makuzu Kōzan I (Miyagawa Toranosuke)  Japanese, Stoneware with polychrome overglaze enamels and gold, wood lid, ivory knob (Makuzu ware), Japan
Makuzu Kōzan I (Miyagawa Toranosuke)
Landscape, Watanabe Shikō 渡辺始興  Japanese, Two-panel folding screen; ink on paper, Japan
Watanabe Shikō 渡辺始興
first half of the 18th century
Monk Ippen Giving a Warrior the Tonsure after His Wife Took Vows as a Lay Buddhist Nun, Yamada Shinzan  Japanese, Pair of hanging scrolls; ink, color, and gold on silk, Japan
Yamada Shinzan
mid-20th century
Cherry and Maple Trees, Sakai Hōitsu  Japanese, Pair of six-panel folding screens; ink, color, and gold leaf on paper, Japan
Sakai Hōitsu
early 1820s
Four Perfect Views of Waterfalls, Tanaka Raishō  Japanese, Set of four hanging scrolls; ink and color on silk, Japan
Tanaka Raishō
Fragrant Garden under a Hazy Moon, Nakabayashi Chikutō  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
Nakabayashi Chikutō
Large Flower Basket (Hanakago), Iizuka Hōsai II  Japanese, Timber bamboo, rattan, and lacquer, Japan
Iizuka Hōsai II
ca. 1910s
Shrine Cabinet in the shape of a Mountain Monk’s Backpack (Oi), Iizuka Hōsai II  Japanese, Timber bamboo and dwarf bamboo, lacquer, Japan
Iizuka Hōsai II
Suzuki Chōkichi
ca. 1877–82
Ryūrikyō Hanging Flower Basket (Ryūrikyō-shiki tsurioki hanakago), Tanabe Chikuunsai I  Japanese, Smoked dwarf bamboo and rattan, Japan
Tanabe Chikuunsai I
ca. 1900–20
Document Box (Ryōshibako) with Dayflowers, Okada Akito  Japanese, Lacquered wood with kinma decoration, Japan
Okada Akito
ca. 1930s
Writing Box (Suzuribako) with Autumn Grasses and Moon, Unryūan (Kitamura Tatsuō)  Japanese, Lacquered wood with gold takamaki-e, hiramaki-e, togidashimaki-e, cut-out gold foil application, and mother-of-pearl inlay, Japan
Unryūan (Kitamura Tatsuō)
Bowl with Handle (Tebachi) with Bamboo in Snow Pattern, Nin'ami Dōhachi (Takahashi Dōhachi II)  Japanese, Stoneware with underglaze iron oxide, white slip, and transparent overglaze (Kyoto ware), Japan
Nin'ami Dōhachi (Takahashi Dōhachi II)
first half of the19th century
Dish with Bamboo Leaves
, Ogata Kenzan 尾形乾山 (?) Japanese, Stoneware painted with cobalt blue, cream and iron‑brown slip under a transparent glaze; gold lacquer repair (kintsugi), Japan
Ogata Kenzan 尾形乾山
18th century
Dish with Bamboo Leaves, Ogata Kenzan 尾形乾山 (?) Japanese, Stoneware painted with cobalt blue, cream and iron‑brown slip under a transparent glaze; gold lacquer repair (kintsugi), Japan
Ogata Kenzan 尾形乾山
18th century
Tea-Ceremony Chest (Chadansu), Nakata Kinseki  Japanese, Timber bamboo and rattan, Japan
Nakata Kinseki
Black Seto (Seto-guro) Tea Bowl, named Iron Mallet (Tettsui)
, Stoneware with black glaze (Mino ware, Black Seto type), Japan
late 16th century
Kettle (Kama) with Stripes and Rhomboid Pattern, Hata Shunsai III 三代畠春斎  Japanese, Iron and copper, Japan
Hata Shunsai III 三代畠春斎
Used-Water Container (Kensui), Stoneware with iron glaze (Takatori ware), Japan
mid-19th century
Double-cut (Nijū-giri) Flower Container (Hanaire), named Cool Summer Morning (Shinryō), Kōgetsu Sōgan  Japanese, Bamboo, lacquer, gold, Japan
Kōgetsu Sōgan
early 17th century
Tea Caddy (Chaire), Stoneware with natural ash glaze (Bizen ware), Japan
late 16th century
Freshwater Jar (Mizusashi), named Calmness (Nagomi), Uozumi Iraku III 三代魚住為楽  Japanese, Sahari alloy of copper, tin, and lead, Japan
Uozumi Iraku III 三代魚住為楽
On Reclusion, Sesson Yūbai 雪村友梅  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Sesson Yūbai 雪村友梅
first half 14th century
Round Negoro Tray (Kōban), Lacquered wood with coatings of red lacquer over black lacquer (Negoro ware), Japan
first half 15th century
Calligraphy, Tōkei Sōboku 東渓宗牧  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Tōkei Sōboku 東渓宗牧
late 15th–early 16th century
Freshwater Jar (Mizusashi), Stoneware with natural ash, feldspar, and iron glazes (Mino ware, Iga type), Japan
early 17th century
Large Tenmoku Bowl “Wind”, Hisada Shigeyoshi  Japanese, Stoneware with iron (tenmoku) glaze, Japan
Hisada Shigeyoshi
Silver Freshwater Jar with Dolphin (Nanryō irukamon mizusashi), Miyata Ryohei 宮田亮平  Japanese, Hammered silver with gold foil, Japan
Miyata Ryohei 宮田亮平
Round Flower Vase, Hannya Tamotsu 般若保  Japanese, Casting with an alloy of copper and arsenic (kuromidō), brass, and copper, Japan
Hannya Tamotsu 般若保
Harmony (Wa), Iino Ichirō 飯野一朗  Japanese, Copper, gold foil, amalgam gilding, silver plate, and stainless steel, Japan
Iino Ichirō 飯野一朗
Wood-Grain Metal Vase, Tamagawa Norio 玉川宣夫  Japanese, Hammered silver, copper, and copper and gold alloy (shakudō), Japan
Tamagawa Norio 玉川宣夫
Winter Grove (Fuyu no kodachi) Flower Container, Okuyama Hōseki 奥山峰石  Japanese, Hammered silver with inlaid copper and gold alloy (shakudō), copper and silver alloy (shibuichi), Japan
Okuyama Hōseki 奥山峰石
Morning Calm (Asanagi) Bowl, Yamamoto Akira 山本晃  Japanese, Welding with copper, silver, copper and gold alloy (shakudō), and copper and silver alloy (shibuichi), Japan
Yamamoto Akira 山本晃
Wood-Grain Metal Tea Caddy (Chaki), Sako Ryuhei 佐故龍平  Japanese, Silver, copper, copper and silver alloy (shibuichi), and copper and arsenic alloy (kuromidō), Japan
Sako Ryuhei 佐故龍平
Flower Container, Taguchi Toshichika 田口壽恒  Japanese, Copper and silver alloy (oborogin), Japan
Taguchi Toshichika 田口壽恒
Brook (Seseragi), Iede Takahiro 家出隆浩  Japanese, Copper and gold alloy (shakudō), copper and silver alloy (shibuichi), and silver, Japan
Iede Takahiro 家出隆浩
Checked Box in Red and Black, Tanaka Terukazu 田中照一  Japanese, Silver, copper and gold alloy (shakudō), and copper, Japan
Tanaka Terukazu 田中照一
Flower Vase, Katsura Morihito 桂盛仁  Japanese, Silver and copper with inlays of silver, copper and gold alloy (shakudō), Japan
Katsura Morihito 桂盛仁
High Tide Comes In (Shiomitsu), Osumi Yukie 大角幸枝  Japanese, Hammered silver with nunomezōgan (textile imprint inlay) in lead and gold, Japan
Osumi Yukie 大角幸枝
7 o'clock NY, Nakagawa Mamoru 中川衛  Japanese, Cast alloy of copper, silver, and tin with inlays of copper, silver, and gold, Japan
Nakagawa Mamoru 中川衛
Flower Vessel "Chuyo", Ozawa Kōmin 大澤光民  Japanese, Metal casting (yakigata) and cast-wrapping (igurumi) with copper, bronze, and stainless steel, Japan
Ozawa Kōmin 大澤光民
Distant (Yū) Silver Vase, Otsuki Masako 大槻昌子  Japanese, Silver with gold decoration, Japan
Otsuki Masako 大槻昌子
Waves at Suminoe, Nakamura Takuo 中村卓夫  Japanese, Stoneware with polychrome overglaze and gold decoration, Japan
Nakamura Takuo 中村卓夫
“Waterfall “ Character, Hashimoto Kansetsu 橋本関雪  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan
Hashimoto Kansetsu 橋本関雪
ca. 1940
Evening Haze (Banka) Document Box, Oshiyama Motoko 押山元子  Japanese, Silver, copper and gold alloy (shakudō), brass, and copper, Japan
Oshiyama Motoko 押山元子
Peacocks and Cherry Blossoms, Imazu Tatsuyuki  Japanese, Two-panel folding screen; ink, color, gold, and silver on paper, Japan
Imazu Tatsuyuki
ca. 1925
Egrets in a Lotus Pond, Yamamoto Baiitsu  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
Yamamoto Baiitsu
A Carp Ascending a Waterfall, Shibata Zeshin  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
Shibata Zeshin
19th century
Takeuchi Seihō
Tiger, Tigress and Cub, Kishi Chikudō  Japanese, Pair of six-panel folding screens; ink and color on silk, Japan
Kishi Chikudō
Aged Pines, Suzuki Shōnen 鈴木松年  Japanese, Pair of six-panel folding screens; ink on gold-leaf, Japan
Suzuki Shōnen 鈴木松年
late 19th century
The Actors Matsumoto Hyōzō I as a Wakashu and Nakamura Denkurō I as a Samurai Retainer, Torii Kiyonobu I  Japanese, Woodblock print (sumizuri-e); ink on two joined sheets of paper; vertical ō-ōban, Japan
Torii Kiyonobu I
ca. 1699–1700
An Actor of the Ichikawa Family Scattering Beans during the Setsubun Festival to Drive Out Evil Spirits, Torii Kiyomasu I  Japanese, Woodblock print (tan-e); vertical ō-ōban, Japan
Torii Kiyomasu I
ca. 1709–15
Taira no Atsumori in the Battle of Ichinotani, Sugimura Jihei  Japanese, Woodblock print (tan-e); vertical ō-ōban, Japan
Sugimura Jihei
ca. 1684–1700
“Enjoying the Evening Cool near Lord Nabeshima’s Warehouses” (Fūryū Nabeshima yūsuzumi), Jukakudō Masakuni 壽鶴堂政国  Japanese, Pentaptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Multiple artists/makers
ca. 1825
Primavera (Haru), Kainoshō Tadaoto 甲斐庄楠音  Japanese, Two-panel screen; ink, color and gold on silk, Japan
Kainoshō Tadaoto 甲斐庄楠音
Women’s Kabuki, Kano Takanobu  Japanese, Six-panel folding screen; ink, color, gold, silver, and gold leaf on paper, Japan
Kano Takanobu
mid- to- late 1610s
A Courtesan and Her Attendants with a Revolving Shadow Lantern, Okumura Masanobu  Japanese, Woodblock print (tan-e); ink and hand applied color on two joined sheets of paper, Japan
Okumura Masanobu
ca. 1715–20
The Tragic Lovers Osome and Hisamatsu, Torii Kiyomasu I  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Torii Kiyomasu I
Ishikawa Toyonobu
late 1740s
The Onnagata Actor Segawa Kikunojō II as Yaoya Oshichi Holding a Doll of Her Lover, Kichisaburō, Torii Kiyomitsu  Japanese, Woodblock print (benizuri-e); ink and color on paper; pillar print (hashira-e), Japan
Torii Kiyomitsu
ca. 1761–67
Bowler Hat, Hayakawa Shōkosai I  Japanese, Timber bamboo, rattan, and brocaded silk, Japan
Hayakawa Shōkosai I
ca. 1880s–90s
Pipe and Pipe Case with Tobacco Pouch, Shibata Zeshin  Japanese, Pipe: iron, gold, and silver on wood; case: gold, silver hiramaki‑e on black lacquer; pouch: dyed cotton (sarasa) with metal fitting; netsuke: carved staghorn, Japan
Shibata Zeshin
early 19th century
Young Woman Preparing Tea

, Miki Suizan  Japanese, Matted painting; watercolor on silk mounted on mat board, Japan
Miki Suizan
before 1952
Obi Sash with Butterflies and Plum Blossoms, Cotton, Japanese
second half 20th century
Perpsective View (uki-e) of a Kabuki Theatre, with a Performance of  The Crest Patterns of the Soga Brothers and Nagoya Sanza (Mon-zukushi Nagoya Soga), Okumura Masanobu  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper, Japan
Okumura Masanobu
1748 (Enkyō 5), first month
Perspective Print (Uki-e) of the Theaters in Sakaichō and Fukiyachō on Opening Night, Utagawa Toyoharu  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; horizontal ōban, Japan
Utagawa Toyoharu
ca. 1780
Courtesan with a Young Man (Wakashu) beside a Screen, Hishikawa Moronobu 菱川師宣  Japanese, Woodblock print (sumizuri-e); ink and hand-applied color on paper; horizontal ōban, Japan
Hishikawa Moronobu 菱川師宣
ca. 1679–84
Female Entertainer with a Young Man, Hishikawa Moronobu 菱川師宣  Japanese, Woodblock print (sumizuri-e); ink and hand-applied color on paper; horizontal ōban, Japan
Hishikawa Moronobu 菱川師宣
ca. 1679–84
“A Courtesan as the Immortal Tieguai [Tekkai]”
, Okumura Masanobu  Japanese, Woodblock print (sumizuri-e); ink and hand-applied color on paper; horizontal ōban, Japan
Okumura Masanobu
ca. 1710
Arashi Rikan II as Miyamoto Musashi, Gigadō Ashiyuki 戯画堂芦幸  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); vertical ōban, Japan
Gigadō Ashiyuki 戯画堂芦幸
The Actor Nakamura Utaemon IV as the Wrestler Iwakawa Jirokichi, Shunbaisai Hokuei 春梅斎北英  Japanese, Woodblock print; ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Shunbaisai Hokuei 春梅斎北英
The Actor Arashi Koroku IV in the Final Farewell Performance of His Career (Shōgai onagori kyōgen) as the Female Bandit Hotei Oichi, Shunkōsai Hokushū 春好斎北洲  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Shunkōsai Hokushū 春好斎北洲
Tsutsui Toshimine  Japanese, Woodblock print; ink and color on paper, Japan
Tsutsui Toshimine
ca. 1906
Ichikawa Danjūrō VII Admiring Ichikawa Danjūrō I in an Inset Portrait, Utagawa Kunisada  Japanese, Woodblock print (surimono); ink, color and metallic pigment on paper; shikishiban, Japan
Utagawa Kunisada
Scent and Shadow, Takeuchi Keishū  Japanese, Woodblock print; ink and color on paper, Japan
Takeuchi Keishū
ca. 1906
Print, Tomioka Eisen  Japanese, Woodblock print; ink and color on paper, Japan
Tomioka Eisen
ca. 1906
Ichikawa Danjūrō VII as Arajishi Otokonosuke, Utagawa Kunisada  Japanese, Woodblock print (surimono); ink and color on paper; shikishiban, Japan
Utagawa Kunisada
Ichikawa Danjūrō VII Preparing New Year's Gifts, Utagawa Kunisada  Japanese, Woodblock print (surimono); ink, color and metallic pigments on paper; shikishiban, Japan
Utagawa Kunisada
ca. 1830
Utagawa Kunimasa II
Summer Kimono with Design of Plovers, Waves, Chinese Bellflowers, Pinks, Pines, Carriages, and Fences, Silk gauze; paste-resist dyeing, Japan
first quarter of the 20th century
Kimono with Pines, Bamboo, and Plum, Figured satin silk (rinzu) with hand-painted details and silk embroidery, Japan
second quarter 20th century
The Actor Bandō Mitsugorō I, Katsukawa Shunshō 勝川春章  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical aiban, Japan
Katsukawa Shunshō 勝川春章
The Actors Segawa Kikunojō III as Okiku, Nakayama Tomisaburō as Kasane, and Sawamura Sōjūrō III as Yoemon, Katsukawa Shun'ei 勝川春英  Japanese, Triptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; hosoban, Japan
Katsukawa Shun'ei 勝川春英
The Onnagata Actor Nakamura Rikō I as Oniō nyōbō Tsukisayo and Ichikawa Yaozō III as Oniō Shinzaemon, Katsukawa Shunkō  Japanese, Diptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; hosoban, Japan
Katsukawa Shunkō
1785, 1st month
A Young Couple in an Up-to-Date Reworking of Narihira’s Journey to the East, Suzuki Harunobu  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical chūban, Japan
Suzuki Harunobu
A Family Visiting a Shrine in the “Eleventh Month” (Kagura-zuki), from the series Fashionable Poetic Immortals in the Four Seasons (Fūzoku shiki kasen), Suzuki Harunobu  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical chūban, Japan
Suzuki Harunobu
ca. 1768
“Evening Glow at Ryōgoku Bridge” (Ryōgoku-bashi no sekishō), from the series Eight Fashionable Views of Edo (Fūryū Edo hakkei), Suzuki Harunobu  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical chūban, Japan
Suzuki Harunobu
The Courtesan Umematsu of the Atarashiya Brothel Costumed as an Ohara Maiden, Ryūkōsai Jokei 流光斎如圭  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical hosoban, Japan
Ryūkōsai Jokei 流光斎如圭
early 1790s
The Onnagata Actor Hanagiri Toyomatsu (Shisei) III as Ohaya, Ryūkōsai Jokei 流光斎如圭  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical hosoban, Japan
Ryūkōsai Jokei 流光斎如圭
A Celebration of Actors (Yakusha mono iwai), Ryūkōsai Jokei 流光斎如圭  Japanese, Illustrated books, 2 volumes; a: 16 leaves; b: 13 leaves, Japan
Ryūkōsai Jokei 流光斎如圭
Yotsu of the Matsukiyo Brothel Performing as a Shirabyōshi, from the series Sacred Dances in Shinmachi, Gochōtei Sadahiro 五蝶亭貞広  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical chūban, Japan
Gochōtei Sadahiro 五蝶亭貞広
Ichikawa Yonezō as the Ghost of Oiwa, Enjaku 猿雀  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical chūban, Japan
Enjaku 猿雀
Memorial Portrait of the Actor Nakamura Tamashichi, Enjaku 猿雀  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical chūban, Japan
Enjaku 猿雀
Daimyo Procession to Edo, Hishikawa School, Handscroll; ink, color, and gold on silk, Japan
Hishikawa School
ca. 1700
Triptych of Loving Couples Playing a Trio of Musical Instruments” (Sanpukutsui hiyoku no sankyoku), Nishimura Shigenaga  Japanese, Triptych of woodblock prints (benizuri-e); ink and color on paper; uncut hosoban, Japan
Nishimura Shigenaga
ca. 1746
“The Chrysanthemum Boy of the Zhou Dynasty” (Shū no Kikujidō)
, Tamura Yoshinobu  Japanese, Woodblock print (urushi-e); ink, hand-applied color, and animal glue (nikawa) on paper; vertical hosoban, Japan
Tamura Yoshinobu
ca. 1729
Woman Catching Fireflies, Torii Kiyohiro  Japanese, Woodblock print (benizuri-e); ink and color on paper; vertical hosoban, Japan
Torii Kiyohiro
ca. 1751–64
The Actors Mimasu Daigorō IV as Umako Daijin (right), Ichikawa Ebizō V as Umaya Daijin (center), and Jitsukawa Ensaburō as Prince Shōtoku (left), Gosōtei Hirosada 五粽亭広貞  Japanese, Triptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper, with metallic printing and embossing (karazuri); vertical chūban, Japan
Gosōtei Hirosada 五粽亭広貞
The Actors Ichikawa Ebizō V as the Outlaw Nippon Daemon (right) and Kataoka Gadō as Tokushima Gohei, Gosōtei Hirosada 五粽亭広貞  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; horizontal chūban, Japan
Gosōtei Hirosada 五粽亭広貞
“One-Legged Umbrella Monster” (Kasa ippon ashi), Gosōtei Hirosada 五粽亭広貞  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); vertical chūban, Japan
Gosōtei Hirosada 五粽亭広貞
Nine Prints Depicting Dual Portraits of Actors in Roles, Utagawa Hirosada  Japanese, Nine woodblock prints, Japan
Utagawa Hirosada
ca. 1852
Chinese Ships at Nagasaki, Unidentified artist Japanese, 19th century, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; horizontal nagaban, Japan
Unidentified artist
ca. 1840
Camels with Dutch Handlers, Unidentified artist Japanese, 19th century, Woodblock print; ink and stencil-printed color on paper; horizontal ō-ōban, Japan
Unidentified artist
ca. 1821
“America”: A Native American Woman on Horseback in the Snow, Utagawa Hiroshige II  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Utagawa Hiroshige II
Russians at Nagasaki, Unidentified artist Japanese, 19th century, Woodblock print (kappazuri); ink and stencil-printed color on paper; vertical aiban, Japan
Unidentified artist
ca. 1830
Newly Imported Great Elephant (Shinto hakurai no daizō), Ichiryūsai Yoshitoyo  Japanese, Diptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Ichiryūsai Yoshitoyo
The Actor Ichikawa Danjūrō VII as Soga Gorō, Torii Tadamasa  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Torii Tadamasa
A New Record Comparing the Handwriting of the Courtesans of the Yoshiwara (Yoshiwara keisei shin bijin jihitsu kagami) 吉原傾城新美人自筆鏡, Kitao Masanobu (Santō Kyōden) 北尾政演 (山東京伝)  Japanese, Woodblock printed book; ink and color on paper, Japan
Kitao Masanobu (Santō Kyōden) 北尾政演 (山東京伝)
1784, early spring (Tenmei 4)
Onoe Kikugorō VI as Hayano Kanpei, Natori Shunsen  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Natori Shunsen
A True View of a Trading House of a Yokohama Merchant, Utagawa (Gountei) Sadahide  Japanese, Triptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Utagawa (Gountei) Sadahide
Brocade Prints of the Thirty-six Poetesses (Nishiki zuri onna sanjūrokkasen) 錦摺女三十六歌仙, Chōbunsai (Hosoda) Eishi , 鳥文斎(細田)栄之  Japanese, Ink and color on paper, Japan
Chōbunsai (Hosoda) Eishi , 鳥文斎(細田)栄之
Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎
Thirty-Six Poets, Chōbunsai Eishi  Japanese, Woodblock printed album; ink and color on paper, Japan
Chōbunsai Eishi
ca. 1795
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞
Shōtei Hokuju 昇亭北寿
1809 (Bunka 6), 11th month
Artisans, Beauties, and Annual Events, Toyohara Kunichika  Japanese, Thirty paintings mounted as an accordion album; ink, color, gold and gold flecks on silk, Japan
Toyohara Kunichika
Picture Book of Kyōka Poems: Mountains upon Mountains (Ehon kyōka yama mata yama) 画本狂歌山満多山, Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎  Japanese, Woodblock printed book; ink and color on paper, Japan
Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎
Fine Views of the Eastern Capital at a Glance (Tōto meisho ichiran) 東都名所一覧
, Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎  Japanese, Set of two woodblock printed books; ink and color on paper, Japan
Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎
1800, first month (Kansei 12)
Men’s Stomping Dances (Otoko tōka) 男踏歌, Chōbunsai Eishi 鳥文斎栄之  Japanese, Woodblock printed book; ink and color on paper, Japan
Multiple artists/makers
Newly Selected Fifty Poets of the Tenmei Era, One Poem Each (Tenmei shinsen gojūnin isshu) 天明新鐫五十人一首; 吾妻曲狂歌文庫(あずまぶり), Kitao Masanobu (Santō Kyōden) 北尾政演 (山東京伝)  Japanese, Woodblock printed book; ink and color on paper, Japan
Kitao Masanobu (Santō Kyōden) 北尾政演 (山東京伝)
Mirror of Yoshiwara Beauties (Seirō bijin awase sugata kagami) 青楼美人合姿鏡, Katsukawa Shunshō 勝川春章  Japanese, Woodblock printed book; ink, color, and mica on paper, Japan
Katsukawa Shunshō 勝川春章
Kitao Shigemasa 北尾重政
The Actor Nakamura Nakazō II as Matsuōmaru, Utagawa Kunimasa  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Utagawa Kunimasa
The Actor Iwai Kumesaburō I as Yae, the Wife of Sakuramaru, Utagawa Kunimasa  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Utagawa Kunimasa
The Actors Nakajima Wadaemon as Bōdara Chōzaemon and Nakamura Konozō as Gon of the Kanagawaya Boathouse, Tōshūsai Sharaku  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink, color, and mica on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Tōshūsai Sharaku
1794, fifth month
The Actor Ōtani Tokuji I as the Retainer Sodesuke, Tōshūsai Sharaku  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink, color, and mica on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Tōshūsai Sharaku
1794, fifth month
The Actor Ichikawa Yaozō III as Tanabe Bunzō, Tōshūsai Sharaku  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink, color, and mica on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Tōshūsai Sharaku
1794, fifth month
The Actors Ichikawa Yaozō III as Fuwa no Banzaemon Shigekatsu and Sakata Hangorō III as Kosodate Kannonbō, Tōshūsai Sharaku  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink, color and mica on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Tōshūsai Sharaku
1794, 7th month
The Courtesan Emu of the Matsuya Brothel as a Cormorant Fisherwoman (Ukai Matsuya Emu), from the series “A Costume Parade in the Shimanouchi District” (Shimanouchi nerimono), Shunbaisai Hokuei 春梅斎北英  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Shunbaisai Hokuei 春梅斎北英
“Ei of the Nakamoriken Brothel, who was a favorite of Yamamura Goto, as Lady Huayang (Kayō Fujin Yamamura Goto gonomi Nakamoriken Ei),” from the series Costume Parade of the Shimanouchi District in Osaka (Naniwa Shimanouchi nerimono), Ryūsai Shigeharu 柳斎重春  Japanese, Right sheet of a diptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Ryūsai Shigeharu 柳斎重春
The Courtesan Emi of the Kyōki Brothel as Shizuka Gozen (Shizuka Kyōki Emi), from the series Costume Parade of the Shimanouchi District in Osaka (Naniwa Shimanouchi nerimono), Jukōdō Yoshikuni 寿好堂よし国  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Jukōdō Yoshikuni 寿好堂よし国
probably 1836
Konami of the Kurahashiya in the Front Group of Musicians (Saki-bayashi), from the series Costume Parade of the Shinmachi Quarter in Osaka (Ōsaka Shinmachi nerimono), Yanagawa Shigenobu 柳川重信  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Yanagawa Shigenobu 柳川重信
The Courtesan Hanatsuru of the Higashiōgiya Brothel as the Dragon Princess Otohime, from the series Costume Parade of the Shinmachi Quarter in Osaka (Ōsaka Shinmachi nerimono), Yanagawa Shigenobu 柳川重信  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Yanagawa Shigenobu 柳川重信
The Courtesan Kotozuru of the Tsuruya Brothel as an Asazuma Boat Prostitute (Tsuruya Kotozuru-dayū Asazuma-bune), from the series Costume Parade of the Shinmachi Quarter in Osaka (Ōsaka Shinmachi nerimono), Yanagawa Shigenobu 柳川重信  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Yanagawa Shigenobu 柳川重信
Oriental Masterprint – 17, from the series Oriental Masterprints, Roger Shimomura  American, Color screen print on wove paper, Japan
Roger Shimomura
Oriental Masterprint – 18, from the series Oriental Masterprints, Roger Shimomura  American, Color screen print on wove paper, Japan
Roger Shimomura
Oriental Masterprint – 13, from the series Oriental Masterprints, Roger Shimomura  American, Color screen print on wove paper, Japan
Roger Shimomura
Oriental Masterprint – 14, from the series Oriental Masterprints, Roger Shimomura  American, Color screen print on wove paper, Japan
Roger Shimomura
Oriental Masterprint – 19, from the series Oriental Masterprints, Roger Shimomura  American, Color screen print on wove paper, Japan
Roger Shimomura
Woman Cooling Herself, Utagawa Toyohiro  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
Utagawa Toyohiro
ca. 1800
Spying with a Telescope, from the series Seven Fashionable Bad Habits (Fūryū nakute nanakuse), Katsushika Hokusai  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink, color, and mica on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Katsushika Hokusai
ca. 1801–2
Female Entertainer with a Koto, Utagawa Toyoharu  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
Utagawa Toyoharu
Shokusanjin (Ōta Nanpo)
ca. 1785; inscription early 19th century
Teahouse Waitress behind a Bamboo Blind, from the series Eight Views of Tea Stalls in Celebrated Places (Meisho koshikake hakkei), Kitagawa Utamaro  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Kitagawa Utamaro
Parading Courtesan, Momokawa Shikō  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
Momokawa Shikō
late 18th century
Wistful Love (Mono-omoi koi), from the series Anthology of Poems: The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu), Kitagawa Utamaro  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink, color, and mica on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Kitagawa Utamaro
Procession of Women Crossing a River with a Young Falconer, Kitagawa Utamaro  Japanese, Triptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Kitagawa Utamaro
ca. 1804
Woman Playing a Shamisen while Her Son Clasps Her; “Sekidera Temple” (Sekidera), from the series Fashionable Adaptations of the Seven Komachi Plays (Fūryū nana Komachi), Kitagawa Utamaro  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Kitagawa Utamaro
ca. 1803
Women Buying Potted Plants from a Street Vendor, from the series Fashionable Brocades of the East (Fūzoku Azuma no nishiki), Torii Kiyonaga  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Torii Kiyonaga
ca. 1784
Utagawa Toyohiro
ca. 1796
Bandō Mitsugorō III as Daihanji Kiyozumi and Arashi Koroku IV as Koganosuke, Shunkōsai Hokushū 春好斎北洲  Japanese, Right sheet of a diptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Shunkōsai Hokushū 春好斎北洲
The Actor Onoe Fujaku III as Kobayakawa Takakage, Seiyōsai Shunshi 青陽斎春子  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Seiyōsai Shunshi 青陽斎春子
The Actors Arashi Kitsusaburō II as the Hairdresser Kamiyui Tasuke, and Arashi Koroku IV as Gonza the Lancer (Yari no Gonza), Gigadō Ashiyuki 戯画堂芦幸  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Gigadō Ashiyuki 戯画堂芦幸
The Actor Arashi Tokusaburō as the Female Gallant (Onnadate) Ohashi, Utagawa Sadamasu (Kunimasu)  初代歌貞升  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Utagawa Sadamasu (Kunimasu) 初代歌貞升
The Actor Asao Gakujūrō I (previously Yūjirō I) as Mashiba Hisatsugu, Shunkōsai Hokushū 春好斎北洲  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Shunkōsai Hokushū 春好斎北洲
The Actor Nakamura Utaemon III as Inanoya Hanbē, Shunkōsai Hokushū 春好斎北洲  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Shunkōsai Hokushū 春好斎北洲
Doll Festival, Shinohara Ushio  Japanese, Triptych of color screen prints on paper; edition 1/100, Japan
Shinohara Ushio
The Kabuki Actor Nakamura Utaemon III (Shikan) as Ishikawa Goemon, Shunkōsai Hokushū 春好斎北洲  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Shunkōsai Hokushū 春好斎北洲
Three Oiran (Courtesans), Shinohara Ushio  Japanese, Triptych of color screen prints on paper; artist's proof, Japan
Shinohara Ushio
Samurai and Wakashu (Male Youth), Miyagawa Isshō  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
Miyagawa Isshō
early 18th century
Memorial Portrait of the Actor Ichikawa Ōmezō I, Utagawa Kunisada  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
Utagawa Kunisada
Ichikawa Danjūrō VII
painting ca. 1833; inscription dated 1858
Portrait of Iwai Kumesaburō II, Utagawa Kunisada  Japanese, Hanging scroll: ink and color on silk, Japan
Utagawa Kunisada
ca. 1827–29 (Kansei 10–12)
The Actor Arashi Kitsusaburō I (Kichisaburō II) as Prince Koretaka, Shunkōsai Hokushū  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, Japan
Shunkōsai Hokushū
Kimono with Pheasants amid Peonies, Paste-resist dyeing with silk embroidered accents on silk crepe, Japan
first half of the 20th century
Kimono with Pines and Mist

, Plain-weave crepe silk with paste-resist dying (yūzen) and application of gold, Japan
second quarter 20th century
Beauties as Artisans in a Printer's Studio, “Artisans” (Shokunin), from the series An Up-to-Date Parody of the Four Classes (Imayō mitate shi-nō-kō-shō), Utagawa Kunisada  Japanese, Triptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Utagawa Kunisada
1857, 8th month
Beauties as Shopkeepers Selling Prints, “Shopkeepers” (Shōnin), from the series An Up-to-Date Parody of the Four Classes (Imayō mitate shi-nō-kō-shō)
, Utagawa Kunisada  Japanese, Triptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Utagawa Kunisada
1857, 8th month
Nakamura Utaemon IV as Danshichi Kurobei, Utagawa Kunimasu 歌川国升  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical chūban, Japan
Utagawa Kunimasu 歌川国升
Nakamura Shikan IV as the Fishmonger Aratota, Hasegawa Sadamasu 長谷川貞升  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e), ink and color on paper; vertical chūban, Japan
Hasegawa Sadamasu 長谷川貞升
The Actor Arashi Rikaku II as Isogai Tōsuke, from the series Lives of Men who Carried Out Revenge for Loyalty or Filial Piety, Hasegawa Sadanobu 長谷川貞信  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical chūban, Japan
Hasegawa Sadanobu 長谷川貞信
Ichikawa Ebizō V as Senso Dōjin (right); Jitsukawa Ensaburō as Jiraiya (left), Hasegawa Sadanobu 長谷川貞信  Japanese, Pair of woodblock prints; ink and color on paper; vertical chūban, Japan
Hasegawa Sadanobu 長谷川貞信
“Harunobu’s Bathtub,” from the series:  A Hundred Shades of Ink of Edo 
, Paul Binnie  Scottish, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink, color, and mica on paper; large vertical ōban, Japan
Paul Binnie
“Kuniyoshi’s Cats,” from the series:  A Hundred Shades of Ink of Edo
, Paul Binnie  Scottish, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; large vertical ōban, Japan
Paul Binnie
“Sharaku’s Caricatures,” from the series:  A Hundred Shades of Ink of Edo, Paul Binnie  Scottish, Woodblock print; ink, color, on paper; large vertical ōban, Japan
Paul Binnie
ca. 2011
Kabuki Actor Ōtani Oniji III as Yakko Edobei, Tōshūsai Sharaku  Japanese, Woodblock print; ink, color, and white mica on paper, Japan
Tōshūsai Sharaku
Shellfish and Apparitions of the Yoshiwara Pleasure Quarter, Chōbunsai Eishi  Japanese, Triptych of hanging scrolls with inscribed mountings; painting: ink and color on silk; calligraphy: ink on silk mounting fabric, Japan
Chōbunsai Eishi
Shokusanjin (Ōta Nanpo)
ca. 1811
The Nanpo Album (Nanpo jō)  南畝帖, Nagayama Kōin (Hirotora) 長山孔寅画・蜀山人  Japanese, Woodblock printed book; ink and color on paper, Japan
Nagayama Kōin (Hirotora) 長山孔寅画・蜀山人
“The Famous, Unrivaled Sculptor Hidari ‘Left-Handed’ Jingorō” (Meiyo: Migi ni teki nashi Hidari Jingorō), Utagawa Kuniyoshi  Japanese, Triptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Utagawa Kuniyoshi
ca. 1848
Turtle Fun:  Wonderful, Wonderful (Kiki myōmyō), Utagawa Kuniyoshi  Japanese, Triptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Utagawa Kuniyoshi
ca. 1848
Three Heroes of the Water Margin Capture the Bandit Queen Ichijōsei, from the series One Hundred Eight Heroes of the Theater Suikoden, Shunbaisai Hokuei 春梅斎北英  Japanese, Tetraptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Shunbaisai Hokuei 春梅斎北英
ca. 1835
“View of Mount Tenpō in Osaka” (Naniwa Tempōzan fukei), Hasegawa Sadamasu 長谷川貞升  Japanese, Tetraptych of woodblock prints (nishiki-e); vertical ōban, Japan
Hasegawa Sadamasu 長谷川貞升
“The Waterfall Where Yoshitsune Washed His Horse at Yoshino in Yamato Province,” from the series A Tour of Waterfalls in Various Provinces, Katsushika Hokusai  Japanese, Woodblock print; ink and color; vertical ōban, Japan
Katsushika Hokusai
ca. 1832
“Hokusai’s Waterfalls,” from the series:  A Hundred Shades of Ink of Edo, Paul Binnie  Scottish, Woodblock print; ink, color, on paper; large vertical ōban, Japan
Paul Binnie
“Hiroshige’s Edo,” from the series:  A Hundred Shades of Ink of Edo, Paul Binnie  Scottish, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; large vertical ōban, Japan
Paul Binnie
“Jūmantsubo Plain at Fukagawa Susaki,” from the series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo, Utagawa Hiroshige  Japanese, Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper; vertical ōban, Japan
Utagawa Hiroshige
Courtesan with a Kitten, Nishikawa Sukenobu 西川祐信  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink, color, and gold on silk, Japan
Nishikawa Sukenobu 西川祐信
early 18th century
Courtesan of Eguchi, Katsukawa Shunshō 勝川春章  Japanese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan
Katsukawa Shunshō 勝川春章
Butsumo Keisen
painting:1770−80; inscription: 1820s–30s
PixCell-Deer#24, Kohei Nawa 名和晃平  Japanese, Mixed media; taxidermied deer with artificial crystal glass, Japan
Kohei Nawa 名和晃平
Ikuta Niyoko 生田丹代子
Seascape, Fukami Sueharu 深見陶治  Japanese, Porcelain with seihakuji (pale blue) glaze, Japan
Fukami Sueharu 深見陶治
Autumn Festival, Morino Hiroaki 森野泰明  Japanese, Stoneware with reddish-brown, black, silver, and chartreuse glazes, Japan
Morino Hiroaki 森野泰明
Bird, Suzuki Osamu 鈴木冶  Japanese, Porcelain with pale blue glaze (seihakuji), Japan
Suzuki Osamu 鈴木冶
ca. 1974
Genesis, Miyashita Zenji  Japanese, Stoneware with gradated colored clay (saidei), Japan
Miyashita Zenji
KE-5 (Recollected Vistas in Clay), Kishi Eiko  Japanese, Shigaraki stoneware with colored clay chamotte, Japan
Kishi Eiko
Galaxy, Kondō Takahiro  Japanese, Porcelain with cobalt blue underglaze and “silver mist” overglaze, Japan
Kondō Takahiro
Faceted Covered Vessels with Pale Blue Glaze, Yagi Akira  Japanese, Porcelain with pale blue glaze (seihakuji), Japan
Yagi Akira
Round Closed Vessel, Kitamura Junko  Japanese, Stoneware with slip inlay, Japan
Kitamura Junko
Footprint of the Buddha (Bussokuseki), Kondō Yutaka 近藤豊  Japanese, Stoneware with gray-black slip and impressed patterning with white slip inlay, Japan
Kondō Yutaka 近藤豊
Aquarium (Gyosō), Enomoto Chikatoshi 榎本千花俊  Japanese, Framed panel; ink and color on paper, Japan
Enomoto Chikatoshi 榎本千花俊