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Durer and Beyond: Central European Drawings, 1400-1700

Dürer and Beyond: Central European Drawings, 1400–1700

Alsteens, Stijn, and Freyda Spira, with contributions by Maryan W. Ainsworth, Dirk H. Breiding, George R. Goldner, Guido Messling, Marjorie Shelley, and Joshua P. Waterman
272 pages
20 illustrations
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Dürer and Beyond: Central European Drawings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1400–1700 and the exhibition it accompanies focus for the first time on a rich and varied facet of the Museum's collection. Presented in a loosely chronological manner to allow for groupings of works by city, school, and theme, the drawings selected for this catalogue range from rare early Bohemian head studies through the golden age of Albrecht Dürer to the diverse creations of Joachim von Sandrart, who was not only a highly proficient artist but the first art historian in Germany, composing and publishing biographies of many of the artists in this volume.

The Museum's collection of drawings has been assembled over a long period of time, by different departments, and from a variety of sources. The publication of this catalogue offers the opportunity to acknowledge those who have played an important role in the collection's development. Robert Lehman's bequest made a particularly significant contribution to the Museum's holdings of Northern works on paper from the early sixteenth century. The majority of the works in this selection have been enthusiastically acquired during the tenure of George R. Goldner, Drue Heinz Chairman of the Department of Drawings and Prints since 1993. Goldner recognized the weaknesses in the collection and systematically expanded and improved it with the finest works available.

The selection seen here offers a broad overview of the Museum's collection of Central European drawings from about 1400 to 1700. Many of the sheets have never before been on public view, nor have they been published in any significant manner. To complement the highlights in this book, the remainder of the Museum's Central European drawings from the period under discussion has been catalogued and photographed, and is now available on the Museum's website.

Head of a Bearded Man, Anonymous, Bohemian, 14th century  Bohemian, Pen and gray-brown ink, brush and gray-black and brown wash, traces of white gouache highlights
Anonymous, Bohemian, 14th century
Head of a Woman, Anonymous, Bohemian, 15th century  Bohemian, Watercolor on vellum
Anonymous, Bohemian, 15th century
ca. 1405–10
Standing Scholar (Prophet?) Turned to the Right (Recto); Standing Scholar (Prophet?) Turned to the Left (Verso), Germany, Middle Rhine  Germany, Middle Rhine, Pen and carbon black ink, traces of black chalk underdrawing, on paper prepared with sanguine wash, Germany, Middle Rhine
Germany, Middle Rhine
ca. 1460–70
Page from "Stern des Meschiah", Anonymous, German, 15th century  German, Woodcut
Anonymous, German, 15th century
Peter Schwartz
Christ in Gethsemane, Anonymous, German, 16th century  German, Pen and brown ink
Multiple artists/makers
ca. 1490
Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalen, Master of the Drapery Studies  German, Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, and black chalk
Master of the Drapery Studies
Anonymous, German
ca. 1490
Bust of a Man in a Hat Gazing Upward, Martin Schongauer  German, Pen and carbon black ink, over pen and brown ink, on paper prepared with sanguine wash.
Martin Schongauer
ca. 1480–90
Self-portrait, Study of a Hand and a Pillow (recto); Six Studies of Pillows (verso), Albrecht Dürer  German, Pen and brown ink
Albrecht Dürer
Fortuna in a Niche, Albrecht Dürer  German, Pen and greenish brown ink
Albrecht Dürer
Salvator Mundi, Albrecht Dürer  German, Oil on linden
Albrecht Dürer
ca. 1505
The Holy Family in an Enclosed Garden, Albrecht Dürer  German, Pen and reddish brown ink.
Albrecht Dürer
Music-Making Angels, Albrecht Dürer  German, Pen and brown ink
Albrecht Dürer
Head of a Young Woman, Albrecht Dürer  German, Black chalk highlighted with white chalk (abraded) on green prepared paper.
Albrecht Dürer
Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness, Hans Süss von Kulmbach  German, Pen and brown ink with traces of black chalk and brush and gray ink
Hans Süss von Kulmbach
ca. 1510–15
Baptism of Christ, Martin Schongauer  German, Engraving
Martin Schongauer
ca. 1470–74
Saint Eustace and Saint George, Hans Süss von Kulmbach  German, Pen and brown ink, brush and gray wash
Hans Süss von Kulmbach
ca. 1511
Portrait of a man, bust-length, wearing a hat, Hans Schäufelein  German, Red chalk
Hans Schäufelein
ca. 1510–15
Landsknecht, Hans Schäufelein  German, Pen and iron gall ink
Hans Schäufelein
early 16th century
Ecstatic Christ, Hans Baldung (called Hans Baldung Grien)  German, Pen and two shades of carbon black ink, traces of black chalk underdrawing
Hans Baldung (called Hans Baldung Grien)
ca. 1510–11
Ecce Homo, Hans Baldung (called Hans Baldung Grien)  German, Woodcut
Hans Baldung (called Hans Baldung Grien)
Showing 20 of 145

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Alsteens, Stijn, Maryan Wynn Ainsworth, and Freyda Spira. 2012. Dürer and beyond: Central European Drawings before 1700 in the Metropolitan Museum of Art [Exhibition, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, from April 3 through September 3, 2012]. New Haven (Conn.): Yale university press.