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Along the Border of Heaven: Sung and Yüan Paintings from the C. C. Wang Collection

Along the Border of Heaven: Sung and Yüan Paintings from the C. C. Wang Collection

Barnhart, Richard M.
191 pages
105 illustrations
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From the tenth century to the end of the Manchu Ch'ing dynasty early in this century, the dominant concern of the Chinese painter has been the natural world of landscape, trees and rocks, birds and animals, flowers and bamboo— "the myriad phenomena occasioned by consciousness," in the words of the eleventh-century art historian Kuo Jo-hsü. The older figure and narrative traditions remain vital for a time, during the period of the Sung (960–1279) and Yüan (1279–1368) dynasties, then rapidly declined, becoming the concern only of journeymen artisans and court chroniclers.

It is this watershed of Chinese art from the tenth through the fourteenth centuries, when the new art of landscape painting and bird and flower painting was born and the ancient traditions had their final flowering, that provides the historical context for this book. No attempt has been made, however, to provide a full historical background for the works discussed. A selection of some of the finest Sung and Yüan paintings from the collection of Wang Chi-ch'ien provides the only focus. These works have been grouped by subject matter and period, described and analyzed, and allowed to form their own network of relationships. Inevitably, there are imbalances and gaps. It is remarkable, nonetheless, that so complete a survey of Sung and Yüan painting can be written based on the collection of one connoisseur-collector. Few great museums outside of China could offer so rich and complete a selection.

Summer Mountains, Qu Ding  Chinese, Handscroll; ink and color on silk, China
Qu Ding
ca. 1050
Cloudy Mountains, Mi Youren  Chinese, Handscroll; ink on paper, China
Mi Youren
before 1200
Duke Wen of Jin Recovering His State, Li Tang  Chinese, Handscroll; ink and color on silk, China
Li Tang
Emperor Gaozong
mid-12th century
Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute: The Story of Lady Wenji, Unidentified artist Chinese, early 15th century, Handscroll; ink, color, and gold on silk, China
Unidentified artist
early 15th century
Odes of the State of Bin

, Ma Hezhi , and Assistants Chinese, Handscroll; ink, color, gold and silver on silk, China
Ma Hezhi
Emperor Gaozong
mid-12th century
Hermitage by a pine-covered bluff, Yan Ciyu  Chinese, Fan mounted as an album leaf; ink and color on silk, China
Yan Ciyu
second half 12th century
Scholar viewing a waterfall, Ma Yuan  Chinese, Album leaf; ink and color on silk, China
Ma Yuan
early 13th century
Windswept lakeshore, Xia Gui  Chinese, Fan mounted as an album leaf; ink on silk, China
Xia Gui
13th century
Orchids, Ma Lin  Chinese, Album leaf; ink and color on silk, China
Ma Lin
second quarter of the 13th century
Nine Songs, Zhao Mengfu  Chinese, Album of eleven leaves; ink on paper, China
Zhao Mengfu
14th–15th century
Wang Xizhi watching geese, Qian Xuan  Chinese, Handscroll; ink, color, and gold on paper, China
Qian Xuan
ca. 1295
Narcissus, Zhao Mengjian  Chinese, Handscroll; ink on paper, China
Zhao Mengjian
mid-13th century
Twin Pines, Level Distance, Zhao Mengfu  Chinese, Handscroll; ink on paper, China
Zhao Mengfu
ca. 1310
Crows in Old Trees, Luo Zhichuan  Chinese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, China
Luo Zhichuan
early 14th century
Returning Fishermen, Tang Di  Chinese, Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, China
Tang Di
dated 1342
Bamboo and rocks, Li Kan  Chinese, Pair of hanging scrolls; ink and color on silk, China
Li Kan
dated 1318
Fragrant Snow at Broken Bridge, Wang Mian  Chinese, Hanging scroll; ink on silk, China
Wang Mian
14th century
Farewell by a Stream on a Clear Day, Zhao Yuan  Chinese, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, China
Zhao Yuan
second half 14th century
Spring Dawn over the Elixir Terrace, Lu Guang, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, China
Lu Guang
ca. 1369
Woods and Valleys of Mount Yu, Ni Zan  Chinese, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, China
Ni Zan
dated 1372
Showing 20 of 21

View Citations

Barnhart, Richard M. 1983a. Along the Border of Heaven: Sun and Yüan Paintings from C. C. Wang Family Collection [and from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York]. New York: Metropolitan museum of art.