Visiting Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion?

You must join the virtual exhibition queue when you arrive. If capacity has been reached for the day, the queue will close early.

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Celebrate Pride at The Met with this selection of articles and videos that tell stories of art and artists from the LGBTQIA+ community.

A artist Kent Monkman stands in The Met's Great Hall, looking around

Kent Monkman Reverses Art History’s Colonial Gaze

The celebrated Cree artist arrives at The Met—along with his gender-bending, time-travelling, shape-shifting alter ego, Miss Chief Eagle Testickle.
An installation view of a mannequin wearing a fuzzy Burberry cape in a bright rainbow design.

WorldPride at The Met: The Otherness of Camp

In honor of WorldPride, the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, and Camp: Notes on Fashion, we explore how designers and cultural icons have used camp to question conventional ideas about taste, gender, race, and sexuality.

A double-gendered teapot from the Royal Worcester Company.

WorldPride at The Met: The Camp Pose

In honor of WorldPride NYC and Camp: Notes on Fashion, we explore the history of camp culture's trademark, the gesture known as "the camp pose."

Camp: Notes on Fashion Gallery Views

Gallery views of The Costume Institute's spring 2019 exhibition, Camp: Notes on Fashion, narrated by exhibition curator Andrew Bolton.

LGBTQ  square

Queering the Catalogue: A Look at Queer, Gay, and Trans Art and Artists

Senior Library Associate Patrick J. Raftery Jr. explores Thomas J. Watson Library's collection of books on LGBTQ+ art and artists.

Kitsch square

All in Bad Taste

Associate Manager for Technical Services Melissa Raymond discusses books on kitsch in Thomas J. Watson Library.

Dancer Omari Mizrahi on Mark Bradford’s Painting "Duck Walk"

Dancer Omari Mizrahi discusses the history of voguing while reflecting on Mark Bradford's mixed-media work Duck Walk.

View of an gallery wall at The Met Breuer displaying two protest posters by the Silence = Death Project created during the early days of the AIDS epidemic

This World AIDS Day, Reconnect Images of Protest with Their Context

To commemorate World AIDS Day 2018, explore a selection of protest posters created in the first decade of the AIDS crisis with an eye to their original context and their relevance to the current state of the epidemic.

Portraits of four queer artists: Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Jane Heap, and David Wojnarowicz

Celebrating Pride Month with The Met Collection

To commemorate Pride Month, Managing Editor Michael Cirigliano II takes a look at ten works from The Met collection by, or depicting, artists from the LGBT community.

Exploring the Love Letters of Christopher Isherwood and Don Bachardy

Managing Editor Michael Cirigliano II discusses with Simon Callow and Alan Cumming the legacy of Christopher Isherwood and Don Bachardy's relationship, which has been immortalized through their frequent letters and David Hockney's double portrait.

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