"Recent Acquisitions: A Selection, 1991-1992": The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 50, no. 2 (Fall, 1992)

"Recent Acquisitions: A Selection, 1991–1992"

Arnold, Dorothea, Joan Aruz, Kevin J. Avery, Katharine Baetjer, Andrea Bayer, Susan Bergh, Suzanne Boorsch, Katharine R. Brown, Florina H. Capistrano, Keith Christiansen, Malcolm R. Daniel, James David Draper, Helen C. Evans, Kate Ezra, Barbara B. Ford, Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen, Caroline Goldthorpe, William M. Griswold, Maria Morris Hambourg, Maxwell K. Hearn, Morrison H. Heckscher, Timothy B. Husband, Colta Ives, Dale T. Johnson, J. Stewart Johnson, Julie Jones, David W. Kiehl, Heidi King, Steven M. Kossak, Clare Le Corbeiller, Martin Lerner, Laurence Libin, Walter Liedtke, Charles T. Little, Jessie McNab, Joan R. Mertens, Lisa M. Messinger, Kenneth J. Moore, Helen B. Mules, Morihiro Ogawa, James Parker, Carlos A. Picón, Stuart W. Pyhrr, Carrie Rebora Barratt, William Rieder, Sabine Rewald, Annemarie Schimmel, Lowery S. Sims, Marie Lukens Swietochowski, Gary Tinterow, Suzanne G. Valenstein, Clare Vincent, Catharine Hoover Voorsanger, Daniel Walker, James C. Y. Watt, H. Barbara Weinberg, William D. Wixom, Jayne Wrightsman, Elizabeth Wyckoff, and Alice Zrebiec
97 pages
8.5 x 11 in
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Philippe De Montebello

Cylinder seal and modern impression: worshiper and the sun god; king; bull-man and a lion-man, Hematite, Babylonian
ca. 18th century BCE
Cylinder seal and modern impression: royal worshiper before a god on a throne; human-headed bulls below, Hematite
ca. 1820–1730 BCE
Relief with royal male wearing gold of honor, Limestone, paint (mostly modern)
ca. 1353–1336 B.C.
Relief with people setting down braziers, Limestone, paint (mostly modern)
ca. 1353–1336 B.C.
Cylinder seal and modern impression: goddess leading a worshiper to a seated deity; bull god, Quartzite, Old Assyrian Trading Colony
Old Assyrian Trading Colony
ca. 20th–19th century BCE
Marble head of a woman, Marble, Greek, probably Cycladic or northern Ionian
Greek, probably Cycladic or northern Ionian
late 6th century BCE
Antelope Head, Greywacke, travertine (Egyptian alabaster), agate
525–404 B.C.
Crocodile statue, Granite
Late 1st century B.C. – early 1st century A.D.
Terracotta aryballos (perfume vase) in the form of a monkey, Terracotta, Rhodian
1st quarter of the 6th century BCE
Round Box Brooch, Copper alloy, cast, traces of an iron pin, Viking
Brooch with Boar’s-Head, Copper alloy, gilt and cast; copper alloy pin secured in hinge with..., Vendel
late 8th century
Brooch with Boar’s-Head, Copper alloy, gilt and cast; copper alloy pin secured in hinge with..., Vendel
late 8th century
Silver drinking cup, Silver, gold, Roman
1st century BCE–1st century CE
Silver drinking cup, Silver, gold, Roman
1st century BCE–1st century CE
Marble relief with Hermes, Marble, Roman
27 BCE–68 CE
Marble head of a veiled man, Marble, Roman
1st half of 1st century CE
Dish with 'Kaleidoscope' Design, Stonepaste; polychrome painted under transparent glaze
ca. 1580–85
Roundel with Repeated Inscription, Wood, gesso; painted and metal-leafed with gold and silver
late 16th century
Part of a Hanging or Curtain, Silk; satin weave with weft-patterned and warp-patterned stripes
ca. 1600
Sarcophagus with Scenes from the Lives of Saint Peter and Christ, Marble, Roman
early 300s, with modern restoration
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