The Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 24 (1989)

"'Ick Sorgheloose...': A Silver-Stained Roundel in The Cloisters"

Husband, Timothy B.
16 pages
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Headshot of Timothy B. Husband

Timothy B. Husband

Timothy B. Husband worked in the Department of Medieval Art and The Cloisters for more than forty years. He studied at the Fogg Museum as an undergraduate at Harvard, received his MA from the Institute of Fine Arts, and completed his doctoral coursework at Columbia. Focusing on the later Middle Ages, mostly in the German-speaking world, his interests include sculpture, tapestry, goldsmiths' work, ceramics, manuscripts, and stained glass in both the secular and ecclesiastical realms. He organized many exhibitions, including The Treasury of Basel Cathedral (2001) and The Medieval Housebook and the Art of Illumination (1999). His most recent publication is The Art of Illumination: The Limbourg Brothers and the Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry.

Roundel with Sorgheloos ("Carefree") with Easy Fortune, Colorless glass, vitreous paint and silver stain, North Netherlandish
North Netherlandish
ca. 1520–25

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