The Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 15 (1980)

"Two Fifteenth-Century Aragonese Retables and Painters of the Calatayud Group"

Berg-Sobré, Judith
28 pages
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Judith Berg-Sobré

Panel from Saint John Retable, Domingo Ram  Spanish, Tempera on wood, gold ground, Spanish
Domingo Ram
Altarpiece (retablo) with Scenes from the Passion, Master Morata  Spanish, Tempera, gilt, wood, Spanish
Master Morata
second half 15th century
Panel of Saint John the Baptist with Scenes from His Life, Domingo Ram  Spanish, Tempera on wood, gold ground, Spanish
Domingo Ram
Panel with Saint John the Baptist Enthroned from Retable, Domingo Ram  Spanish, Tempera on wood, gold ground, Spanish
Domingo Ram
15th century
The Visitation Panel from Saint John Retable, Domingo Ram  Spanish, Tempera on wood, gold ground, Spanish
Domingo Ram
15th century
Predella pane with Saint Bridget, Saint Christopher, and Saint Kilian from Retable, Domingo Ram  Spanish, Tempera on wood, gold ground, Spanish
Domingo Ram
15th century
Predella panel with Saint Martial, Saint Sebastian, and Saint Mary Magdalen from Retable, Domingo Ram  Spanish, Tempera on wood, gold ground, Spanish
Domingo Ram
15th century
Panel with the Birth of St. John the Baptist from Retable, Domingo Ram  Spanish, Tempera on wood, gold ground, Spanish
Domingo Ram
15th century
Panel with The Crucifixion from Retable, Domingo Ram  Spanish, Tempera on wood, gold ground, Spanish
Domingo Ram
15th century
Panel with the Angel Appearing to Zacharias (from a Retable depicting Saint John the Baptist and scenes from his life), Domingo Ram  Spanish, Tempera on wood, gold ground, Spanish
Domingo Ram