The Art of Precolumbian Gold: The Jan Mitchell Collection

The Art of Precolumbian Gold: The Jan Mitchell Collection

Jones, Julie, ed.
248 pages
80 illustrations
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List of Contributors


Philippe de Montebello

Julie Jones

The Old World and the Gold of the New
Priscilla E. Muller

Symbolism of Gold in Costa Rica and its Archaeological Perspective
Michael J. Snarskis

The Goldwork of Panama: An Iconographic and Chronological Perspective
Richard G. Cooke and Warwick Bray

Cultural Patterns in the Pre-Hispanic Goldwork of Colombia
Clemencia Plazas and Ana Maria Falchetti

Behind the Golden Mask: The Sican Gold Artifacts from Batan Grande, Peru
Paloma Carcedo Muro and Izumi Shimada

Ancient American Metallurgy: Five Hundred Years of Study
Warwick Bray

The Catalogue
Julie Jones and Heidi King


Frog Pendant, Gold, tooth inlay, Coclé (Parita)
Coclé (Parita)
12th–14th century
Double Bat-Head Figure Pendant, Gold, Chiriqui
11th–16th century
Funerary mask, Lambayeque (Sicán) artist(s), Gold, silver-copper alloy, cinnabar paint, Lambayeque (Sicán)
Lambayeque (Sicán) artist(s)
900–1100 CE
Funerary Mask
, Gold, Calima (Ilama)
Calima (Ilama)
5th–1st century BCE
Figure Whistle, Gold, Moche
3rd–7th century
Double-End Animal Pendant, Gold, Conte (?)
Conte (?)
5th–8th century
Serpent (Tunjo), Gold, Muisca
10th–16th century
Frog Pendant, Gold, Chiriquí
11th–16th century
Pectoral, Gold, Sonso
13th–16th century
Pectoral, Chavín artist(s), Gold, Chavín
Chavín artist(s)
800–500 BCE
Headdress Ornament, Gold, Calima (Yotoco)
Calima (Yotoco)
1st–7th century
Earflare with ritual procession, Chimú artist(s), Gold, Chimú
Chimú artist(s)
1350–1470 CE
Masked Figure Pendant, Gold, Tairona
10th–16th century
Standing Figure, Gold, Tolita-Tumaco
100 BCE–100 CE
Lime Container (Poporo), Gold, Quimbaya
1st–7th century

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View Citations

Mitchell, Jan, and Julie Jones. 1985. The Art of Precolumbian Gold: The Jan Mitchell Collection. 1st U.S. ed. New York Graphic Society Book. Boston: Little, Brown and Co.