"Recent Acquisitions, A Selection: 2000-2001": The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 59, no. 2 (Fall, 2001)

"Recent Acquisitions, A Selection: 2000–2001"

Adlin, Jane, Joan Aruz, Kevin J. Avery, Carmen C. Bambach, Elizabeth E. Barker, Peter Barnet, Carrie Rebora Barratt, Barbara Drake Boehm, Alice Pratt Brown, Stefano Carboni, Julian Chapuis, Keith Christiansen, Malcolm Daniel, James David Draper, Douglas Eklund, Mia Fineman, Lawrence A. Fleischman, Barbara B. Ford, Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen, Jared Goss, Navina Haidar, Medill Higgins Harvey, Maxwell K. Hearn, Morrison H. Heckscher, Seán Hemingway, Herbert Heyde, Melanie Holcomb, Timothy B. Husband, Colta Ives, J. Stewart Johnson, Heidi King, Daniëlle O. Kisluk-Grosheide, Eric Kjellgren, Harold Koda, Wolfram Koeppe, Steven M. Kossak, Alisa LaGamma, Donald J. LaRocca, Denise Patry Leidy, Martin Lerner, Walter Liedtke, Christopher S. Lightfoot, Charles T. Little, Emily Martin, Jessie McNab, Joan R. Mertens, Lisa M. Messinger, Jeffrey H. Munger, Nadine M. Orenstein, Carlos A. Picón, Michael C. Plomp, Stewart S. Pollens, Stuart W. Pyhrr, Sabine Rewald, Samantha J. Rippner, Jeff L. Rosenheim, Nan Rosenthal, Mary Sprinson de Jésus, Perin Stein, Susan Alyson Stein, Anne L. Strauss, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Gary Tinterow, Suzanne G. Valenstein, Daniel Walker, Masako Watanabe, James C. Y. Watt, Virginia Lee Webb, Beth Carver Wees, and H. Barbara Weinberg
87 pages
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Director's Note


Ancient World


Medieval Europe

Renaissance and Baroque Europe

Europe 1700–1900

North America 1700–1900


Africa, Oceania, and the Americas


Donors of Gifts of Works of Art or of Funds for Acquisition of Works of Art

Diadem, Copper Alloy, Eastern European
Eastern European
1200–800 BCE
Large Brooch with Spirals, Bronze, European
1200–800 BCE
Armband, Copper alloy, European Bronze Age
European Bronze Age
1200–900 BCE
Armband, Copper alloy, European Bronze Age
European Bronze Age
1200–900 BCE
Terracotta statuette of a siren, Terracotta, Greek
ca. 550–500 BCE
Bronze foot in the form of a sphinx, Bronze, Greek
ca. 600 BCE
Glass situla (bucket) with silver handles, Glass with silver handles, Greek
late 4th–early 3rd century BCE
Gold and glass bracelet with central medallion, Gold and glass, Greek
2nd century BCE
Harness Ornaments, Copper alloy, champlevé enamel, Late Roman or Byzantine
Late Roman or Byzantine
Banded agate amphoriskos (perfume bottle), Banded agate, Roman
late 1st century BCE–early 1st century CE
Rhyton with female head, Ceramic, glazed, Parthian or Sasanian
Parthian or Sasanian
ca. 3rd century CE
Marble head of an elderly woman, Marble, Roman
ca. 40–20 BCE
Textile Fragment, Wool, linen; tapestry weave
8th century
Glass Bowl in Millefiori Technique, Glass, green, opaque yellow, and opaque red mosaic; fused, slumped, ground, and polished, applied foot
9th century
Inlaid Box for the Portuguese Market, Wood (teak); veneered with ebony, inlaid ivory, and lac
Black Stork in a Landscape, Opaque watercolor on European paper
ca. 1780
Cameo with the Fasting of Saint Nicholas, Agate with gold frame, South Italian
South Italian
ca. 1200–1250
Two Scenes of Christ and the Apostles, Elephant ivory with traces of paint, French
ca. 850–900
Prophet King from a Tree of Jesse Window, Pot-metal glass, white glass, vitreous paint, silver stain, German
ca. 1260–70
Jasper Cup with Gilded-Silver Mounts, Jasper, silver gilt mount and foot, Bohemian
ca. 1350–80
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