Medieval Tapestries in The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Medieval Tapestries in The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Cavallo, Adolfo Salvatore
688 pages
370 illustrations
9.5 x 11.5
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Adolph S. Cavallo

Five Foot Soldiers and a Mounted Turk, Albrecht Dürer  German, Engraving
Albrecht Dürer
ca. 1495
Heraldic Composition, Wool warp, wool wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1350–75
King Arthur (from the Heroes Tapestries), Wool warp, wool wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1400–1410
Joshua and David (from the Heroes Tapestries), Wool warp, wool wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1400–1410
Hector of Troy (?) (from the Heroes Tapestries), Wool warp, wool wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1400–1410
Julius Caesar (from the Heroes Tapestries), Wool warp, wool wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1400–1410
Fragments with Three Cardinals (from the Heroes Tapestries), Wool warp, wool wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1400–1410
The Falcon's Bath, Wool warp, wool wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1400–1415
Lady Holding a Falcon, Wool warp, wool wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1400–1415
Tapestry with the Annunciation, Wool warp, wool with a few metallic wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1410–20
Honor Making a Chaplet of Roses, Wool warp, wool wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1410–20
Scenes from the Story of the Seven Sacraments, Matrimony and Extreme Unction, Wool warp, wool and silk wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1435–50
Scenes from the Story of the Seven Sacraments, God the Father Uniting Adam and Eve, and David Being Annoited King at Hebron, Wool warp, wool and silk wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1435–50
Seven Scenes from the Story of the Seven Sacraments, Namaan Being Cleansed in the Jordan, Wool warp, wool and silk wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1435–50
Seven Scenes from the Story of the Seven Sacraments, Jacob Blessing Ephraim and Manasseh, Wool warp, wool and silk wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1435–50
Seven Scenes from the Story of the Seven Sacraments, Baptism, Wool warp, wool and silk wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1435–50
Figures in a Rose Garden: A Gentleman, Wool warp, wool, silk, and metallic weft yarns, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1450–55
Judith Taking Holofernes' Head, Wool warp, wool and silk wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1455–65
Episodes in the Story of the Vengeance of Our Lord, Wool warp, wool wefts with a few silk wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1460–70
The Annunciation, Wool warp, wool and silk wefts, South Netherlandish
South Netherlandish
ca. 1460–80
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View Citations

Cavallo, Adolph S. 1993. Medieval Tapestries in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York: Metropolitan museum of art H. N. Abrams.