Poster celebrating National Teachers' Day

Alfredo Zalce Mexican
Publisher Taller de Gráfica Popular, Mexico City Mexican

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 693

National Teachers’ Day is celebrated in Mexico every year on May 15. The title across the top of this poster refers to the historical struggle and sacrifice of educators. Labeled "yesterday," the upper image depicts the shooting of a rural schoolteacher during the Cristero Rebellion in the 1920s and 1930s. The bottom image, labeled "today," shows a female teacher safe in her classroom instructing adult women. The caption explains how teachers are steadily overcoming obstacles to their work.

Cada año, el Día del Maestro se celebra en México el 15 de mayo. El título que atraviesa la parte superior del cartel alude a la lucha histórica y al sacrificio de los educadores. Con el rótulo «Ayer», la imagen superior representa a un maestro rural asesinado a tiros durante la guerra cristera en las décadas de 1920 y 1930. En la imagen inferior, titulada «Hoy», una maestra da clase a mujeres adultas en la seguridad de su aula. El subtítulo explica que los maestros están superando gradualmente los obstáculos que dificultaban su trabajo.

Poster celebrating National Teachers' Day, Alfredo Zalce (Mexican, Pátzcuaro, Michoacán 1908–2003 Morelia), Linocut on green paper, backed with linen

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