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Intermittently feathered three-rod coiled basket

Pomo (Northern California)

Not on view

This basket is an enigma. Its unusual layout features dark feathered design elements enclosed in diamonds and light elements floating inside black triangles. The motifs are not traditional; one figure resembles a Christian cross while another form evokes a bird. The basket’s age and appearance suggest the design was born from the dreams of its maker. Like the mfom Xe dance painted by Tavernier, it likely arose from individual visionary revelations.

Intermittently feathered three-rod coiled basket, Willow shoot foundation, sedge root weft, dyed bulrush root weft, feathers (acorn woodpecker, California valley quail topknots, clipped black feathers of an unknown species), clamshell disk beads, glass beads, and string, Pomo (Northern California)

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