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Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara

Southern Vietnam

Not on view

Among the most beautiful images of the Avalokiteshvara from all of Southeast Asia, this savior stands on a pair of lotus blooms, his eyes downcast as he extends grace to devotees. He wears an elaborate diadem with the Amitabha Buddha prominently displayed. His left hand holds a lotus bud, evoking Padmapani, the lotus bearer, and his right holds an ascetic’s water vessel (kamandalu). Stylistically, the figure relates to the pre-Angkorian center of Phnom Da, southern Cambodia. The discovery of this major icon in the Mekong Delta serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of religious centers and their workshop practices during this period.

cat. no. 137

Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, Sandstone, Southern Vietnam

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