Death of the Historical Buddha (Nehan-zu)


Not on view

The Buddha’s death, when he passed from his earthly life to the final release from suffering as an enlightened being, is a confirmation of essential tenets of Buddhist faith. The people witnessing the event here reveal their own imperfect level of enlightenment through their grief. The bodhisattvas, however, enlightened buddhas-to-be who remain tethered to the earthly realm to assist people on their paths to salvation, show a solemn serenity. Except for the Bodhisattva Jizō, who appears as a monk holding a jewel near the center of the bier, these deities are envisioned in princely finery adorning their golden bodies. Shaven-headed disciples weep bitterly, as do the multi-limbed Hindu deities and guardians who have been converted to the Buddha’s teaching. Men and women of every class, joined by more than thirty animals, grieve, and even the blossoms of the sala trees change from pink to blue. Queen Maya, mother of the Buddha, descends from upper right, weeping.

On view for rotations 3 and 4.

#8835. Death of the Buddha (Nehan)

Death of the Historical Buddha (Nehan-zu), Hanging scroll; ink, color, and gold on silk, Japan

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