Forehead Ornament for a Deity

Newari, for the Nepalese or Tibetan market

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 964

A pronged lightning bolt (vajra), which stands for the Buddha Vairochana, marks the cosmic axis at this ornament’s center. The vajra also references the diamond throne (vajrasana) under the Bodhi tree, where the historical Buddha Shakyamuni reached enlightenment. Flanking the vajra are the celestial Buddhas Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi, Akshobhya, and Ratnasambhava, who, together with Vairochana, comprise the Tathagatas, or five cosmic Buddhas.

Forehead Ornament for a Deity, Gold, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, garnet, lapis lazuli, coral, and turquoise, Newari, for the Nepalese or Tibetan market

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