The Goddess Durga Slaying the Demon Buffalo Mahisha

Bangladesh or India (Bengal)

Not on view

This sculpture portrays the sixteen-armed form of the goddess Durga as the slayer of the demon buffalo Mahisha. The array of arms, each displaying a weapon, creates a kinetic energy in the image, no doubt all the more powerful when contemplated in a shrine dimly illuminated by oil lamps. This work is among the finest Indian miniature sculptures of the Pala-Sena period.

#7921. The Goddess Durga Killing the Buffalo Demon (Mahishasura Mardini), Part 1



  1. 7921. The Goddess Durga Killing the Buffalo Demon (Mahishasura Mardini), Part 1
  2. 7921. The Goddess Durga Killing the Buffalo Demon (Mahishasura Mardini), Part 2
The Goddess Durga Slaying the Demon Buffalo Mahisha, Argillite, Bangladesh or India (Bengal)

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