Male Head with a Short Wig, Possibly Pehenptah

Old Kingdom

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 103

The head originates from a seated or standing figure that was originally placed in the serdab of a mastaba, an inaccessible chamber in the above ground portion of Old Kingdom funerary monuments that held images of the deceased and his family members. This head was found in the serdab of Pehenptah, an official who was “custodian of the king’s property” and “scribe of royal documents,” probably during the Fifth Dynasty. Between three and five statues were found in Pehenptah’s serdab, but the chamber was also filled with material from other locations left there by ancient tomb robbers, raising the possibility that this head originates from a different tomb.

Male Head with a Short Wig, Possibly Pehenptah, Limestone, paint

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