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Showing 26 results for Xu Yang
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Xu Yang
dated 1770
Xu Yang
dated 1753
Xu Yang
dated 1770
Yang Bangji
ca. late 1150s
Wang Hui
dated 1692
Empress Yang Meizi
early 13th century
Xu Bing
Wang Duo
Qian Xuan
ca. 1295
Han Gan
ca. 750
Xianyu Shu
dated 1301
Hao Liang
Yelü Chucai
dated 1240
Tang Di
Unidentified artist
19th century rubbing; stele dated 169 CE
Li Shan
dated 1749
Unidentified artists
13th–14th century
Ni Zan
dated 1372
Zhao Mengjian
dated 1260
Unidentified artist
late 19th–early 20th century
Wang Zhenpeng
dated 1308
Jin Nong
dated 1757
Wang Yuanqi
dated 1711
Li Gonglin
ca. 1085
Zheng Min
Tang Yin
datable to 1508