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Showing 465 results for Master of the Virgin Mary's Reliquary Casket
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Master of the Virgin Mary's Reliquary Casket
early 13th century
Master of the Virgin Mary's Reliquary Casket
early 13th century
Master of the Virgin Mary's Reliquary Casket
early 13th century
Master of the Virgin Mary's Reliquary Casket
early 13th century
Wenzel Jamnitzer
late 16th–early 17th century
Master of the Virgin among Virgins
Master of Pedret
ca. 1100
Jean de Touyl
ca. 1325–50
Tilman Heysacker
late 15th century
early 9th century
Hendrick ter Brugghen
ca. 1624–25
ca. 1173–80
Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet
ca. 1480–90
Master of the Codex of Saint George
ca. 1330–35
ca. 1375–1425
ca. 1300
Master Heinrich of Constance
ca. 1310–20
Lautenbach Master
ca. 1480
Master of Frankfurt
possibly 1496–1502
Fra Carnevale (Bartolomeo di Giovanni Corradini)
Master of Roussillon
ca. 1420–30
Jean Hey (called Master of Moulins)
ca. 1490
Francisco de Zurbarán
ca. 1632–33
Joos van Cleve
ca. 1525
Master of the Female Half-Lengths
ca. 1525–50
Master of the Munich Bavarian Panels
ca. 1450
Italian, Neapolitan Follower of Giotto
ca. 1335–45
Master of Monte Oliveto
ca. 1320
Hans Schäufelein
ca. 1510
Andrea Mantegna
shortly after 1450
Dieric Bouts
ca. 1455–60
Master of the Berswordt Altar
ca. 1400
Annibale Carracci
after 1595
ca. 1480–90
Master of the Burg Weiler Altarpiece
ca. 1470
Master of the Orcagnesque Misericordia
Master of the Codex of Saint George
ca. 1330–35
Master of Saint Giles
ca. 1500