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Showing 69 results for Master of the Franciscan Breviary
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Master of the Franciscan Breviary
mid-15th century
Master of Saint Francis
Master of the Orcagnesque Misericordia
Master of the Dominican Effigies
ca. 1325
Juan de Flandes
ca. 1497
Master of the Saint Ursula Legend
ca. 1485
Master of Monte Oliveto
ca. 1320
Justus of Ghent
ca. 1475
Giotto di Bondone
possibly ca. 1320
ca. 1480–90
Gerard David
ca. 1485–90
ca. 1504
Giovanni Baronzio
Jan van Eyck
ca. 1436–38
Arnold Böcklin
Fra Carnevale (Bartolomeo di Giovanni Corradini)
Nicolas Froment
Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
ca. 1460–70
ca. 1504
Vittore Carpaccio
ca. 1490
Federico Barocci
ca. 1600–1604
Jean Pucelle
ca. 1324–28
Hans Memling
ca. 1465–70
Girolamo Romanino
ca. 1540
Bernard van Orley
early 6th century
Gerard David
early 1480s
Olivetan Master
mid-15th century
Gerard David
ca. 1500
Ugolino da Siena (Ugolino di Nerio)
ca. 1325–30
Hans Memling
ca. 1470
Anthony van Dyck
ca. 1630
Lippo Memmi (Filippo di Memmo)
ca. 1350
Taddeo Gaddi
ca. 1340, updated ca. 1480
Fulvio Signorini
ca. 1600
Ugolino da Siena
ca. 1315–20
Aelbert Bouts
ca. 1500
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Corrado Giaquinto
ca. 1750
Antoniazzo Romano (Antonio di Benedetto Aquilio)
ca. 1480–81