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Showing 166 results for Master of James IV of Scotland (probably Gerard Horenbout)
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South Netherlandish
ca. 1515–25
South Netherlandish
ca. 1515
Master of the Dinteville Allegory
Gerard David
ca. 1510–15
Robert Campin
ca. 1427–32
Gerard David
ca. 1512–15
Jacob Halder
Juan de Flandes
ca. 1497
Justus of Ghent
ca. 1475
Jacob Halder
ca. 1595–96; restored and completed, 1915
Gerard David
Gerard David
ca. 1485–90
Gerard David
ca. 1500
Jacob Halder
ca. 1587, restored and completed 1915
Jacob Halder
ca. 1587, restored and completed 1915
Gerard David
early 1480s
Master of the Saint Ursula Legend
ca. 1485
Velázquez (Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez)
probably 1624
Jacob Halder
Jacob Halder
ca. 1608
Master of the Saint Catherine Legend
Jan van Eyck
ca. 1440–50
Goodhart Ducciesque Master
ca. 1310–15
Gerard David
ca. 1510–15
Hans Memling
early 1480s
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
ca. 1636 or later
El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos)
ca. 1605–10
Hans Memling
James Tissot
ca. 1881
Giovanni di ser Giovanni Guidi (called Scheggia)
ca. 1449
Albrecht Dürer
probably 1519
Alessandro Algardi
late 17th century
Alessandro Algardi
late 17th century
Quinten Massys
ca. 1520
Nicolas Poussin
probably 1633–34
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Johannes Vermeer
ca. 1670–72
El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos)
ca. 1599–1600
Hans Memling