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Showing 11,140 results for Master of Engerda
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Hans Schäufelein
ca. 1510
Western Tibet or Ladakh
14th century
Master of Saint Augustine
ca. 1490
Master of Saint Francis
Master of Pedret
ca. 1100
Osservanza Master
ca. 1435
Jean Hey (called Master of Moulins)
ca. 1490
Master of the Dinteville Allegory
Lautenbach Master
ca. 1480
Jacques Demé
probably early 17th century
Master of the Codex of Saint George
ca. 1330–35
Bastis Master
2600–2400 BCE
ca. 1420–30
Jacques-Nicolas Roettiers
Master GG
hallmarked 1773–74
India (Jammu and Kashmir, ancient kingdom of Kashmir)
7th century
Master Heinrich of Constance
ca. 1310–20
Master of Charles of Durazzo
French, Paris
ca. 1761–62
Margaret Neilson Armstrong
Jacob Halder
Master of Frankfurt
possibly 1496–1502
Joachim Friess
ca. 1620
Master of the Martyrdom of St. Sebastian
probably mid-17th century
Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet
ca. 1480–90
Master of the Lorsch Calvary
ca. 1440
Master of Rabenden
Master of Flora
Master of Belmonte
Jean-François Roumier
ca. 1720–25, with later additions
Master I. D. C.
probably early 17th century
Pakistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, possibly Takht-i-bahi monastery, ancient region of Gandhara
3rd century
Master of Rimini
ca. 1450
Master of the Virgin among Virgins
William Cawdell
Thomas Eakins
Tilman Heysacker
late 15th century
ca. 1175
David Roentgen
ca. 1776–79