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Showing 3,009 results for Italian, possibly Genoa
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Filippo Parodi
ca. 1670s
Antonio Tamagnini
late 15th century
Italian, Genoa
17th century
Italian, Genoa
17th century
Lorenzo de Ferrari
ca. 1743–44
Giovanni Gagini
ca. 1500
del Tasso
ca. 1530
Italian, possibly Genoa
17th century
Italian, possibly Genoa
second half 17th century
Italian, possibly Genoa
17th–18th century
possibly Italian
probably 19th century
Antonello da Messina (Antonello di Giovanni d'Antonio)
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione (Il Grechetto)
ca. 1650
ca. 1600
North Italian
ca. 1330–50
Alessandro Magnasco
ca. 1707–8
Benedetto da Maiano
ca. 1480
possibly French
early 17th century
Ferdinando Tacca
mid-17th century
Pietro Tacca
statuette: 17th century; trunk: 19th century or later
probably 1587–91
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione (Il Grechetto)
late 1640s
Antonio Salviati
late 19th century
Antonio Salviati
late 19th century
Antonio Salviati
late 19th–early 20th century
Giovanni Battista Gaulli (Il Baciccio)
ca. 1670s
workshop of Guido Durantino
ca. 1550–60
workshop of Guido Durantino
ca. 1550–60
Antonello Gagini
early 16th century
Jean Cousin the Elder
ca. 1555
Bernardino da Genoa
ca. 1430–40
workshop of Giovanni Maria Vasaro
ca. 1510–20
workshop of Giovanni Maria Vasaro
ca. 1520
Capodimonte Porcelain Manufactory
ca. 1745–50
Possibly Italian
late 16th century?
possibly Italian
ca. 1325–50
Perino del Vaga (Pietro Buonaccorsi)
ca. 1524–26
possibly Italian
ca. 1575–80