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Showing 161 results for Follower of Rogier van der Weyden (Master of the Saint Ursula Legend Group, Netherlandish, active late 15th century)
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ca. 1480–90
Master of the Saint Ursula Legend
ca. 1485
Rogier van der Weyden
ca. 1460
Rogier van der Weyden
ca. 1440
Master of Saint Augustine
ca. 1490
Master of the Saint Catherine Legend
Master of the Saint Godelieve Legend
Justus of Ghent
ca. 1475
Jean Hey (called Master of Moulins)
ca. 1490
Hans Memling
ca. 1465–70
Robert Campin
ca. 1427–32
Master of the Virgin among Virgins
Master of the View of Saint Gudula
ca. 1480
Master of the Dinteville Allegory
Hans Memling
Master of Frankfurt
possibly 1496–1502
Jan van Eyck
ca. 1436–38
Hans Memling
Early sixteenth century
Joachim Patinir
ca. 1515
Gerard David
ca. 1510–15
Dieric Bouts
ca. 1455–60
Hugo van der Goes
Master of Saint Giles
ca. 1500
Juan de Flandes
ca. 1496
Aelbert Bouts
ca. 1500
Joos van Cleve
ca. 1520
The Limbourg Brothers
Quinten Massys
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Master of the Berswordt Altar
ca. 1400
Master of the Female Half-Lengths
ca. 1525–50
Netherlandish (Brussels) Painter
ca. 1515–20
Jan van Eyck
ca. 1440–50
Dieric Bouts
Joos van Cleve
ca. 1525
Juan de Flandes
ca. 1497
Hendrick ter Brugghen
ca. 1624–25
Hieronymus Bosch
Hans Memling
ca. 1470
Petrus Christus