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Showing 2,295 results for Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 16th century
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Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 16th century
ca. 1560-65
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 16th century
16th century
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 16th century
ca. 1540–60
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 16th century
ca. 1510–15
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 16th century
ca. 1540–50
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 16th century
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 15th to 16th century
16th century
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 15th to 16th century
16th century
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 15th to 16th century
16th century
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 15th to 16th century
16th century
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 15th to 16th century
ca. 1500–1525
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 15th to 16th century
Hieronymus Bosch
Matteo Sellas
ca. 1630–50
ca. 1400–1450 and later
Carolus-Duran (Charles-Auguste-Emile Durant)
Julian Arrechia
ca. 1450–60 and later, restored and composed in the 1920s
Antico (Pier Jacopo Alari Bonacolsi)
ca. 1518–1524
Master of the Dinteville Allegory
Giovan Antonio Gavacciolo
mid-17th century
ca. 1470; gilt mounts, probably added early 16th century
Nicolò Amati (Cremona 1596–1684 Cremona)
Quinten Massys
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
ca. 1750
Anonymous, Italian, 16th century
ca. 1730–60
15th century
Girolamo Romanino
ca. 1540
Italian, probably Venetian
second half 16th century
Catena (Vincenzo di Biagio)
probably after 1520
Italian (Venetian) Painter
Andrea Mantegna
shortly after 1450
Annibale Carracci
after 1595
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 18th century
18th century
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 18th century
18th century
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 18th century
18th century
Annibale Carracci
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 18th century
18th century
Anonymous, Italian, Venetian, 18th century
18th century