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Showing 33 results
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William Luson Thomas
May 25, 1861
William Luson Thomas
April 9, 1859
Arthur Boyd Houghton
April 9, 1870
William Luson Thomas
April 13, 1867
William Luson Thomas
November 29, 1862
William Luson Thomas
October 30, 1865
Robert Barnes
Arthur Boyd Houghton
April 23, 1870
William Luson Thomas
May 19, 1860
Mason Jackson
William Luson Thomas
February 23, 1861
William Luson Thomas
February 1, 1862
Edgar Allan Poe
William Luson Thomas
January 4, 1862
William Luson Thomas
January 31, 1863
William Luson Thomas
March 2, 1867
William Luson Thomas
July 19, 1862
Dalziel Brothers
William Luson Thomas
November 14, 1861
William Shakespeare
William Luson Thomas
May 8, 1869
Arthur Boyd Houghton
April 23, 1870
Arthur Boyd Houghton
December 11, 1869
Fields, Osgood & Co.
January–December 1870
William Luson Thomas
May 4, 1861
William Luson Thomas
August 29, 1868
Arthur Boyd Houghton
April 9, 1870
William Luson Thomas
May 22, 1858
Martin Farquhar Tupper
[after 1876, probably 1881]
William Luson Thomas
March 22, 1856
John Townsend Trowbridge
William Luson Thomas
July 25, 1863
Arthur Boyd Houghton
April 16, 1870