
La curadora Laura Filloy Nadal te invita a asomarte al interior de tres maquetas de barro de la antigua cultura nayarita, que ofrecen una singular ventana para conocer algunos aspectos de la vida cotidiana en el occidente de México entre los años 100 antes de nuestra era y 200 de la era común.

Join curator Laura Filloy Nadal on a tour through ancient Nayarit house models, offering a unique window into life in West Mexico between 100 BCE and 200 CE. 

A composite image of a smiling man on the left and a multicolored painting with blue waves at the corner and a blue man fallling out of a yellow boat.

Go behind the scenes with artist Tenzing Rigdol as he discusses his installation, Biography of a Thought, for the exhibition Mandalas: Mapping the Buddhist Art of Tibet, on view through January 12, 2025.

In 2023, violinist Johnny Gandelsman realized a longtime dream: performing J.S. Bach’s six Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin, plus novel arrangements of the composer’s six cello suites, over a weeklong residency at The Met Cloisters.

In 2023, violinist Johnny Gandelsman realized a longtime dream: performing J.S. Bach’s six Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin, plus novel arrangements of the composer’s six cello suites, over a weeklong residency at The Met Cloisters.

In 2023, violinist Johnny Gandelsman realized a longtime dream: performing J.S. Bach’s six Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin, plus novel arrangements of the composer’s six cello suites, over a weeklong residency at The Met Cloisters.

A serene painting depicting the Virgin Mary and Child nestled within a tranquil forest setting, surrounded by lush greenery.

Join curator David Pullins and conservator Jose Luis Lazarte Luna as they discuss the new approach to Spanish painting of the “Golden Age”.

Johnny Gandelsman performing the violin in Fuentidueña Chapel at The Met Cloisters.

In 2023, violinist Johnny Gandelsman realized a longtime dream: performing J.S. Bach’s six Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin, plus novel arrangements of the composer’s six cello suites, over a weeklong residency at The Met Cloisters.

Join curator Adam Eaker and conservator Dorothy Mahon as they discuss the restoration of Rembrandt’s Artistotle with a Bust of Homer, 1653, now on view in the renovated and reinstalled European Paintings galleries at The Met, Look Again: European Paintings 1300-1800.

The Catalyst Quartet perform on a spotlit stage

In December 2023, Catalyst Quartet—The Met’s 2023–24 Quartet in Residence—gave voice to a special set of Met collection instruments for the first time in over 70 years.

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