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Press release

Splendor of Islamic Art to be Theme of October 8 Sunday at the Met Program

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, and His Highness Prince Aga Khan Shia Imami Ismaili Council for the United States of America will present a special program at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on Sunday, October 8, 2006. The theme of this Sunday at the Met program will be Islamic art and culture, and it will include a film, a lecture, and a musical performance, as follows:

1:00 p.m. – Film
Children of Heaven (Bacheha-Ye Aseman)
(1997, 88 minutes) Oscar-nominated film, directed by Majid Majidi. A pair of missing children's shoes causes tension in a humble Iranian family. Farsi with English subtitles.

2:30 p.m. – Lecture
The Challenge of Preserving Cultural Heritage in Afghanistan Jolyon Leslie – architect, author, humanitarian, and CEO of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Afghanistan – will present and discuss the successes and challenges of several projects dedicated to the preservation of Islamic art and architecture.

3:30 p.m. – Concert
The Art of the Afghan Rubâb
The young Afghan rubâb virtuoso Homayun Sakhi will perform a program of classical Indian raga and regional Afghan folk music, accompanied by Toryalai Hashimi on tabla. The program is co-produced by the Aga Khan Music Initiative in Central Asia (AKMICA), a program of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture.

General Information
These Sunday at the Met programs will take place in the Metropolitan Museum's Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium, Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street, New York City. They are free with Museum admission. For more information about these programs and the Metropolitan Museum, call 212-396-5460 or visit

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October 2, 2006

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