"Recent Acquisitions, A Selection: 1996-1997": The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 55. no. 2 (Fall, 1997)

"Recent Acquisitions, A Selection: 1996–1997"

Avery, Kevin J., Katharine B. Baetjer, Barbara Drake Boehm, Stefano Carboni, Keith Christiansen, Malcolm Daniel, James David Draper, Doug Eklund, Barbara Brennan Ford, Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen, George R. Goldner, Jared D. Goss, Maria Morris Hambourg, Prudence O. Harper, Maxwell K. Hearn, Johanna Hect, Ariel Herrmann, Timothy B. Husband, Colta Ives, J. Stewart Johnson, Julie Jones, Peter M. Kenny, Heidi King, Wolfram Koeppe, Steven M. Kossak, Alisa LaGamma, Donald J. LaRocca, Clare Le Corbeiller, Martin Lerner, Laurence Libin, William S. Lieberman, Charles T. Little, Carolyn Logan, Jennifer A. Loveman, Jessie McNab, Joan R. Mertens, Lisa M. Messinger, Elizabeth J. Milleker, Laura Muir, Miyeko Murase, Carlos A. Picón, Carrie Rebora Barratt, Sabine Rewald, William Rieder, Catharine Roehrig, Jeff L. Rosenheim, Nan Rosenthal, Lowery S. Sims, Perrin Stein, Susan Alyson Stein, Dietrich von Bothmer, Catherine Hoover Voorsanger, Daniel Walker, James C. Y. Watt, H. Barbara Weinberg, William D. Wixom, and Jayne Wrightsman
95 pages
8.5 x 11 in
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Ancient World


Medieval Europe

Renaissance and Baroque Europe

Europe 1700–1900

North America 1700–1900

Twentieth Century

Africa, Oceania, and the Americas


Human-headed bison, Serpentine (lizardite), Neo-Sumerian
ca. 2080 BCE
Male god, Granodiorite
ca. 1390–1352 B.C.
Faience double-spouted vessel in the form of a kneeling woman holding a jar, Faience, East Greek
East Greek
late 7th–early 6th century BCE
Marble head of a man from a grave stele, Marble, Greek, Attic
Greek, Attic
ca. 325 BCE
Marble head of Athena, Marble, Greek
ca. 200 BCE
Marble portrait head of Antinoos, Marble, Roman
ca. 130–138 CE
Bronze rod tripod stand, Bronze, Greek
early 6th century BCE
Terracotta dinos (mixing bowl), Polyteleia Painter, Terracotta, Greek, Corinthian
Polyteleia Painter
ca. 630–615 BCE
Terracotta antefix (roof tile), Terracotta, Etruscan
late 6th century BCE
Bronze plaque of Mithras slaying the bull, Bronze, Roman
mid-2nd–early 3rd century CE
Saint Julian, Taddeo Gaddi  Italian, Tempera on wood, gold ground
Taddeo Gaddi
The Crucifixion, Paolo Uccello (Paolo di Dono)  Italian, Tempera on wood, gold ground
Paolo Uccello (Paolo di Dono)
probably mid-1450s
Folio from a Qur'an Manuscript, Muhammad al-Zanjani  Iranian, Ink, gold, and opaque watercolor on paper
Muhammad al-Zanjani
dated 531 AH/1137 CE
Folio from a Qur'an Manuscript, Muhammad al-Zanjani  Iranian, Ink, gold, and opaque watercolor on paper
Muhammad al-Zanjani
dated 531 AH/1137 CE
Textile Fragment, Silk, silvered (?) animal substrate wound around a cotton core; lampas
second half 13th–14th century
Game Piece with a Scene from the Life of Apollonius of Tyre, Walrus ivory, German
ca. 1170
The Road to Calvary, Master of the Lorsch Calvary, Alabaster, German
Master of the Lorsch Calvary
ca. 1440
Adoration of the Magi, Circle of Peter Hemmel von Andlau (Strassburger Werkstattgemeinschaft), Pot metal and colorless glass, vitreous paint, and silver stain, German
Circle of Peter Hemmel von Andlau (Strassburger Werkstattgemeinschaft)
Three Standing Figures (recto); Seated Woman and a Male Hermit in Half-length (verso), Stefano da Verona (Stefano di Giovanni d'Arbosio di Francia)  Italian, Pen and brown ink, over traces of charcoal or black chalk (recto); pen and brown ink, brush with touches of brown wash, over traces of charcoal or black chalk (verso)
Stefano da Verona (Stefano di Giovanni d'Arbosio di Francia)
Christ Presented to the People (Ecce Homo), Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi)  Italian, Oil on canvas
Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi)
ca. 1540–49
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