
Paper conservator Valerie Faivre brings a French perspective on country scenes, scenes which are disappearing as more and more land is developed.


I feel strongly rooted to my region. I know the land and I know the people.

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Captions On
  • Valerie Faivre
  • Young Ladies of the Village  |  1852  |  Gustave Courbet (French)  |  Oil on canvas  |  Signed (lower left): G. Courbet.  |  Gift of Harry Payne Bingham, 1940 (40.175)
  • Côte des Grouettes, near Pontoise  |  probably 1878  |  Camille Pissarro (French)  |  Oil on canvas  |  Gift of Janice H. Levin, 1991 (1991.277.2)
  • The Harvest, Pontoise (La Récolte, Pontoise)  |  1881  |  Camille Pissarro (French)  |  Oil on canvas  |  Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 (1975.1.197)
  • View of Ornans  |  probably mid-1850s  |  Gustave Courbet (French)  |  Oil on canvas  |  Bequest of Alice Tully, 1993 (1995.537)
  • The Deer  |  ca. 1865  |  Gustave Courbet (French)  |  Oil on canvas  |  H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Gift of Horace Havemeyer, 1929 (29.160.34)
  • The Source of the Loue  |  1864  |  Gustave Courbet (French)  |  Oil on canvas  |  H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 (29.100.122)
  • The Flowering Orchard  |  1888  |  Vincent van Gogh (Dutch)  |  Oil on canvas  |  The Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ittleson Jr. Purchase Fund, 1956 (56.13)
  • Haystacks: Autumn  |  ca. 1874  |  Jean-François Millet (French)  |  Oil on canvas  |  Signed (lower right): J.F. Millet  |  Bequest of Lillian S. Timken, 1959 (60.71.12)
  • A Cowherd at Valhermeil, Auvers-sur-Oise  |  1874  |  Camille Pissarro (French)  |  Oil on canvas  |  Gift of Edna H. Sachs, 1956 (56.182)
  • Landscape  |  1825–65  |  Constant Troyon (French)  |  Watercolor on paper  |  Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection, Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917 (17.120.233)
  • The Road from Versailles to Louveciennes  |  probably 1879  |  Alfred Sisley (English)  |  Oil on canvas  |  Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rodgers, 1964 (64.154.2)
  • High Point: Shandaken Mountains  |  1853  |  Asher B. Durand (American)  |  Oil on canvas  |  Bequest of Sarah Ann Ludlum, 1877 (77.3.1)
  • A Woman Gathering Faggots at Ville-d'Avray  |  ca. 1871–74  |  Camille Corot (French)  |  Oil on canvas  |  Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection, Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917 (17.120.225)
  • Landscape (recto and verso)  |  1489–90  |  Perugino (Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci) (Italian)  |  Brush and brown wash, highlighted with white gouache, on gray-green prepared paper  |  Purchase, Lila Acheson Wallace Gift, 1993 (1993.327)
  • Landscape  |  ca. 1904  |  Henri-Edmond Cross (Henri-Edmond Delacroix) (French)  |  Watercolor and crayon on paper  |  Alfred Stieglitz Collection, 1949 (49.70.53)
  • Landscape with a Path between Trees  |  ca. 1886  |  Auguste Renoir (French)  |  Watercolor with touches of white gouache on wove paper  |  The Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg Collection, Bequest of Walter H. Annenberg, 2002 (2003.20.11)
  • Woman with a Rake  |  probably 1856–57  |  Jean-François Millet (French)  |  Oil on canvas  |  Signed (lower right): J.F. Millet  |  Gift of Stephen C. Clark, 1938 (38.75)
  • A Farm in Brittany  |  ca. 1894  |  Paul Gauguin (French)  |  Oil on canvas  |  Bequest of Margaret Seligman Lewisohn, in memory of her husband, Sam A. Lewisohn, 1954 (54.143.2)
  • Landscape  |  second half 19th century  |  Camille Pissarro (French)  |  Watercolor over black chalk on wove paper  |  Rogers Fund, 1924 (24.66.1)
  • Mont Sainte-Victoire and the Viaduct of the Arc River Valley  |  1882–85  |  Paul Cézanne (French)  |  Oil on canvas  |  H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 (29.100.64)
  • The Bridge at Villeneuve-la-Garenne  |  1872  |  Alfred Sisley (English)  |  Oil on canvas  |  Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ittleson Jr., 1964 (64.287)
  • Fontainebleau: Oak Trees at Bas-Bréau  |  1832 or 1833  |  Camille Corot (French)  |  Oil on paper laid down on wood  |  Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection, Wolfe Fund, 1979 (1979.404)
  • Two Young Peasant Women  |  1892  |  Camille Corot (French)  |  Oil on canvas  |  Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrightsman, 1973 (1973.311.5)
  • Valerie Faivre
  • My name is Valerie Faivre. I'm a paper conservator, and my topic is country.

  • I grew up in the east of France in a very small village, at the time was less than three hundred people, with no store in town.

  • My grandparents had a garden that would sustain their needs for the entire winter.

  • I feel strongly rooted to my region. I know the land and I know the people.

  • Gustave Courbet was the leader of the Realists in the late nineteenth century. Courbet is close to my heart, because he's our regional painter. He always returned to his native town, despite his growing fame and all the activities that he had in Paris.

  • I look at his landscape and it's almost like my senses are awakening. I smell the forest and I hear the sound of the snow under my footstep and

  • I watch the glistening trout in that gushing water. My grandfather, one of his great passions

  • was the garden and the orchard. I looked at this painting thinking, maybe he could have left this rake there on the tree.

  • Millet was a peasant and he was a painter. He just depicted his surrounding like it was. Animals and figures almost melt with the landscape.

  • These paintings, they have a road through them. They have a path that for me sometimes are a path to

  • imaginary journey. It could be a path through the field, or a

  • clearing through the woods. There's always somewhere to go, somewhere to travel.

  • The American way of looking at landscape is completely different. The scale of the country is different, so we have big, wide, open spaces.

  • And I think the emphasis in the French landscape is on the detail.

  • I came to become a paper conservator through my love for drawings. The media of drawings, like watercolor, pastel

  • ink, graphite pencils and many more, convey the changing aspect of the outdoors a lot better than any other medium.

  • Some of these drawings are almost photographic views of what once existed.

  • My husband is American, and he's from Philadelphia, so we are world apart. And I have a son, who's growing up in New York, he was born here.

  • I try to take him, whenever possible, when we go to France, you know, in the outdoors, so he has this in him.

  • I have an acute sensitivity for changes in nature, especially when unspoiled sites are being destroyed.

  • I get angry when I see more and more modern constructions taking over the land. I think that if Cézanne had to paint this site again it would be a very different one.

  • There's a lot of debate in France about harmonizing the new with the old, but I believe that interest lies in preserving historical urban sites and beautiful villages more than

  • the country at large. Rural historical landscape and cultivated land nobody really cares about.

  • Maybe my grandparents, their generation, might have been the last one to be

  • small farmers.

  • 40.175
    Young Ladies of the Village, 1852, Gustave Courbet (French), Oil on canvas, Signed (lower left): G. Courbet. Gift of Harry Payne Bingham, 1940 (40.175)
  • 1991.277.2
    Côte des Grouettes, near Pontoise, probably 1878, Camille Pissarro (French), Oil on canvas Gift of Janice H. Levin, 1991 (1991.277.2)
  • 1975.1.197
    The Harvest, Pontoise (La Récolte, Pontoise), 1881, Camille Pissarro (French), Oil on canvas Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 (1975.1.197)
  • 1995.537
    View of Ornans, probably mid-1850s, Gustave Courbet (French), Oil on canvas Bequest of Alice Tully, 1993 (1995.537)
  • 29.160.34
    The Deer, ca. 1865, Gustave Courbet (French), Oil on canvas H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Gift of Horace Havemeyer, 1929 (29.160.34)
  • 29.100.122
    The Source of the Loue, 1864, Gustave Courbet (French), Oil on canvas H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 (29.100.122)
  • 56.13
    The Flowering Orchard, 1888, Vincent van Gogh (Dutch), Oil on canvas The Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ittleson Jr. Purchase Fund, 1956 (56.13)
  • 60.71.12
    Haystacks: Autumn, ca. 1874, Jean-François Millet (French), Oil on canvas, Signed (lower right): J.F. Millet Bequest of Lillian S. Timken, 1959 (60.71.12)
  • 56.182
    A Cowherd at Valhermeil, Auvers-sur-Oise, 1874, Camille Pissarro (French), Oil on canvas Gift of Edna H. Sachs, 1956 (56.182)
  • 17.120.233
    Landscape, 1825–65, Constant Troyon (French), Watercolor on paper Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection, Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917 (17.120.233)
  • 64.154.2
    The Road from Versailles to Louveciennes, probably 1879, Alfred Sisley (English), Oil on canvas Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rodgers, 1964 (64.154.2)
  • 77.3.1
    High Point: Shandaken Mountains, 1853, Asher B. Durand (American), Oil on canvas Bequest of Sarah Ann Ludlum, 1877 (77.3.1)
  • 17.120.225
    A Woman Gathering Faggots at Ville-d'Avray, ca. 1871–74, Camille Corot (French), Oil on canvas Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection, Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917 (17.120.225)
  • 1993.327
    Landscape (recto and verso), 1489–90, Perugino (Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci) (Italian), Brush and brown wash, highlighted with white gouache, on gray-green prepared paper Purchase, Lila Acheson Wallace Gift, 1993 (1993.327)
  • 49.70.53
    Landscape, ca. 1904, Henri-Edmond Cross (Henri-Edmond Delacroix) (French), Watercolor and crayon on paper Alfred Stieglitz Collection, 1949 (49.70.53)
  • 2003.20.11
    Landscape with a Path between Trees, ca. 1886, Auguste Renoir (French), Watercolor with touches of white gouache on wove paper The Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg Collection, Bequest of Walter H. Annenberg, 2002 (2003.20.11)
  • 38.75
    Woman with a Rake, probably 1856–57, Jean-François Millet (French), Oil on canvas, Signed (lower right): J.F. Millet Gift of Stephen C. Clark, 1938 (38.75)
  • 54.143.2
    A Farm in Brittany, ca. 1894, Paul Gauguin (French), Oil on canvas Bequest of Margaret Seligman Lewisohn, in memory of her husband, Sam A. Lewisohn, 1954 (54.143.2)
  • 24.66.1
    Landscape, second half 19th century, Camille Pissarro (French), Watercolor over black chalk on wove paper Rogers Fund, 1924 (24.66.1)
  • 29.100.64
    Mont Sainte-Victoire and the Viaduct of the Arc River Valley, 1882–85, Paul Cézanne (French), Oil on canvas H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 (29.100.64)
  • 64.287
    The Bridge at Villeneuve-la-Garenne, 1872, Alfred Sisley (English), Oil on canvas Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ittleson Jr., 1964 (64.287)
  • 1979.404
    Fontainebleau: Oak Trees at Bas-Bréau, 1832 or 1833, Camille Corot (French), Oil on paper laid down on wood Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection, Wolfe Fund, 1979 (1979.404)
  • 1973.311.5
    Two Young Peasant Women, 1892, Camille Corot (French), Oil on canvas Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrightsman, 1973 (1973.311.5)
  • Young Ladies of the Village, 1852, Gustave Courbet (French), Oil on canvas, Signed (lower left): G. Courbet. Gift of Harry Payne Bingham, 1940 (40.175)
    Côte des Grouettes, near Pontoise, probably 1878, Camille Pissarro (French), Oil on canvas Gift of Janice H. Levin, 1991 (1991.277.2)
    The Harvest, Pontoise (La Récolte, Pontoise), 1881, Camille Pissarro (French), Oil on canvas Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 (1975.1.197)
    View of Ornans, probably mid-1850s, Gustave Courbet (French), Oil on canvas Bequest of Alice Tully, 1993 (1995.537)
    The Deer, ca. 1865, Gustave Courbet (French), Oil on canvas H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Gift of Horace Havemeyer, 1929 (29.160.34)
    The Source of the Loue, 1864, Gustave Courbet (French), Oil on canvas H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 (29.100.122)
    The Flowering Orchard, 1888, Vincent van Gogh (Dutch), Oil on canvas The Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ittleson Jr. Purchase Fund, 1956 (56.13)
    Haystacks: Autumn, ca. 1874, Jean-François Millet (French), Oil on canvas, Signed (lower right): J.F. Millet Bequest of Lillian S. Timken, 1959 (60.71.12)
    A Cowherd at Valhermeil, Auvers-sur-Oise, 1874, Camille Pissarro (French), Oil on canvas Gift of Edna H. Sachs, 1956 (56.182)
    Landscape, 1825–65, Constant Troyon (French), Watercolor on paper Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection, Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917 (17.120.233)
    The Road from Versailles to Louveciennes, probably 1879, Alfred Sisley (English), Oil on canvas Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rodgers, 1964 (64.154.2)
    High Point: Shandaken Mountains, 1853, Asher B. Durand (American), Oil on canvas Bequest of Sarah Ann Ludlum, 1877 (77.3.1)
    A Woman Gathering Faggots at Ville-d'Avray, ca. 1871–74, Camille Corot (French), Oil on canvas Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection, Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917 (17.120.225)
    Landscape (recto and verso), 1489–90, Perugino (Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci) (Italian), Brush and brown wash, highlighted with white gouache, on gray-green prepared paper Purchase, Lila Acheson Wallace Gift, 1993 (1993.327)
    Landscape, ca. 1904, Henri-Edmond Cross (Henri-Edmond Delacroix) (French), Watercolor and crayon on paper Alfred Stieglitz Collection, 1949 (49.70.53)
    Landscape with a Path between Trees, ca. 1886, Auguste Renoir (French), Watercolor with touches of white gouache on wove paper The Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg Collection, Bequest of Walter H. Annenberg, 2002 (2003.20.11)
    Woman with a Rake, probably 1856–57, Jean-François Millet (French), Oil on canvas, Signed (lower right): J.F. Millet Gift of Stephen C. Clark, 1938 (38.75)
    A Farm in Brittany, ca. 1894, Paul Gauguin (French), Oil on canvas Bequest of Margaret Seligman Lewisohn, in memory of her husband, Sam A. Lewisohn, 1954 (54.143.2)
    Landscape, second half 19th century, Camille Pissarro (French), Watercolor over black chalk on wove paper Rogers Fund, 1924 (24.66.1)
    Mont Sainte-Victoire and the Viaduct of the Arc River Valley, 1882–85, Paul Cézanne (French), Oil on canvas H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 (29.100.64)
    The Bridge at Villeneuve-la-Garenne, 1872, Alfred Sisley (English), Oil on canvas Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ittleson Jr., 1964 (64.287)
    Fontainebleau: Oak Trees at Bas-Bréau, 1832 or 1833, Camille Corot (French), Oil on paper laid down on wood Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection, Wolfe Fund, 1979 (1979.404)
    Two Young Peasant Women, 1892, Camille Corot (French), Oil on canvas Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrightsman, 1973 (1973.311.5)
    8000–2000 B.C.
    2000–1000 B.C.
    1000 B.C.–1 A.D.
    1–500 A.D.
    500–1000 A.D.
    1000–1400 A.D.
    1400–1600 A.D.
    1600–1800 A.D.
    1800–1900 A.D.

    Works of art in order of appearance

    Last Updated: June 22, 2015. Not all works of art in the Museum's collection may be on view on a particular day. For the most accurate location information, please check this page on the day of your visit.

    Young Ladies of the Village
    Gustave Courbet (French)
    Oil on canvas
    Signed (lower left): G. Courbet.
    Gift of Harry Payne Bingham, 1940 (40.175)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    Côte des Grouettes, near Pontoise
    probably 1878
    Camille Pissarro (French)
    Oil on canvas
    Gift of Janice H. Levin, 1991 (1991.277.2)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    The Harvest, Pontoise (La Récolte, Pontoise)
    Camille Pissarro (French)
    Oil on canvas
    Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 (1975.1.197)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    View of Ornans
    probably mid-1850s
    Gustave Courbet (French)
    Oil on canvas
    Bequest of Alice Tully, 1993 (1995.537)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    The Deer
    ca. 1865
    Gustave Courbet (French)
    Oil on canvas
    H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Gift of Horace Havemeyer, 1929 (29.160.34)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    The Source of the Loue
    Gustave Courbet (French)
    Oil on canvas
    H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 (29.100.122)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    The Flowering Orchard
    Vincent van Gogh (Dutch)
    Oil on canvas
    The Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ittleson Jr. Purchase Fund, 1956 (56.13)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    Haystacks: Autumn
    ca. 1874
    Jean-François Millet (French)
    Oil on canvas
    Signed (lower right): J.F. Millet
    Bequest of Lillian S. Timken, 1959 (60.71.12)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    A Cowherd at Valhermeil, Auvers-sur-Oise
    Camille Pissarro (French)
    Oil on canvas
    Gift of Edna H. Sachs, 1956 (56.182)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    Constant Troyon (French)
    Watercolor on paper
    Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection, Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917 (17.120.233)
    Not on view
    Drawings and PrintsSecond Floor
    The Road from Versailles to Louveciennes
    probably 1879
    Alfred Sisley (English)
    Oil on canvas
    Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rodgers, 1964 (64.154.2)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    High Point: Shandaken Mountains
    Asher B. Durand (American)
    Oil on canvas
    Bequest of Sarah Ann Ludlum, 1877 (77.3.1)
    Not on view
    American Paintings and SculptureFirst and Second Floors
    A Woman Gathering Faggots at Ville-d'Avray
    ca. 1871–74
    Camille Corot (French)
    Oil on canvas
    Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection, Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917 (17.120.225)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    Landscape (recto and verso)
    Perugino (Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci) (Italian)
    Brush and brown wash, highlighted with white gouache, on gray-green prepared paper
    Purchase, Lila Acheson Wallace Gift, 1993 (1993.327)
    Not on view
    Drawings and PrintsSecond Floor
    ca. 1904
    Henri-Edmond Cross (Henri-Edmond Delacroix) (French)
    Watercolor and crayon on paper
    Alfred Stieglitz Collection, 1949 (49.70.53)
    Not on view
    Drawings and PrintsSecond Floor
    Landscape with a Path between Trees
    ca. 1886
    Auguste Renoir (French)
    Watercolor with touches of white gouache on wove paper
    The Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg Collection, Bequest of Walter H. Annenberg, 2002 (2003.20.11)
    Not on view
    Drawings and PrintsSecond Floor
    Woman with a Rake
    probably 1856–57
    Jean-François Millet (French)
    Oil on canvas
    Signed (lower right): J.F. Millet
    Gift of Stephen C. Clark, 1938 (38.75)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    A Farm in Brittany
    ca. 1894
    Paul Gauguin (French)
    Oil on canvas
    Bequest of Margaret Seligman Lewisohn, in memory of her husband, Sam A. Lewisohn, 1954 (54.143.2)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    second half 19th century
    Camille Pissarro (French)
    Watercolor over black chalk on wove paper
    Rogers Fund, 1924 (24.66.1)
    Not on view
    Drawings and PrintsSecond Floor
    Mont Sainte-Victoire and the Viaduct of the Arc River Valley
    Paul Cézanne (French)
    Oil on canvas
    H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 (29.100.64)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    The Bridge at Villeneuve-la-Garenne
    Alfred Sisley (English)
    Oil on canvas
    Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ittleson Jr., 1964 (64.287)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    Fontainebleau: Oak Trees at Bas-Bréau
    1832 or 1833
    Camille Corot (French)
    Oil on paper laid down on wood
    Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection, Wolfe Fund, 1979 (1979.404)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor
    Two Young Peasant Women
    Camille Corot (French)
    Oil on canvas
    Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrightsman, 1973 (1973.311.5)
    Not on view
    European PaintingsSecond Floor

    © 2011 The Metropolitan Museum of Art